Quote:since you did not say what it was that you gave up, it can hardly be said that you made it clear.
you've made it clear that you don't believe me anyway, why would I bother telling you what I gave up?
I've made it clear that I don't believe you know that losing a son is equal to losing what you neglect to mention since you've never had a son.
Also, the point is that you said you made it clear what you've given up, when in fact, you didn't.
The rich will buy those bonds, and the middle class will pay the interest. What a deal!
Nice! article..
I'm sure some will be thinking that there's no way to reconcile that with the bible he professes to believe but I don't think so. The bible condemns sexual immorality. That doesn't mean sex is immoral or that gay sex is immoral.
Both straight and gay can be sexually immoral and at its root, that means making sex more important than God.
Whether a person belongs to a certain religion is the same as their vote. They believe if offers good and that is why they are a member. Many great minds have warned that asking your question is a sign of a malicious hatred that could develop.
It was in the 1948 UN Declaration and was praised universally.
Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The rational case has been around for a couple thousand years. I am a convert and one of the first oddities I noticed was that the more unconvinced the atheist the more they tried to make ME make the case for God. They figured if they bested me they bested God. Most odd.
No,k but you might need it to be straight with God. After all the first element of being good is attending to what is most important. There are scads of good and very trivial people out there. Surely you have noticed that.
Then you have no concept of good and bad religion, which means no real powers of thought. Put bacteria in a culture and good and bad grow.
We wonder how you think there is a common idea of 'niceness' but anyway, How is it you look up to people who do not follow what they find. In my experience the worst people are those who are always nibbling away at their convictions so as to fit in.
I am ordained clergy so your claim that I don't know good and bad well, The Bible Tells Me So...
Put bacteria in religion and rarely good grows from it...
"Moderation in all things" is perhaps the greatest commandment.
Quote:Both straight and gay can be sexually immoral and at its root, that means making sex more important than God.
And how will one determine that sex is more important to them than the god?
Quote:Leadfoot Quote:
"Both straight and gay can be sexually immoral and at its root, that means making sex more important than God."
And how will one determine that sex is more important to them than the god?
Are you asking whether it is our job to do that or doubting God has the ability to know the heart?