Well, there is the idea that the body possesses a soul. But the truth may be that the soul possesses bodies. It is difficult to envision many lifetimes in which you have your existence. It is even more difficult to envision such lifetimes as occurring simultaneously as timelines. The problem with comprehending such things as simultaneous existences is the egocentric idea that the physical body is the core of your existence, and that this reality is the hub around which all else revolves.
It is more soothing to the ego to imagine a linear sequence to things; even things eternal. So, you are taught that you are born, that you live, that you die, and that you then enter another state for permanent residence called Heaven. And you will accept this idea despite the fact that what it offers is a static state--a never ending ending in which stagnation is a given.
The truth is that you do not know. And though you might invoke the concept of faith when it comes to dealing with what you do not know, you must also admit that faith is synonymous with belief. You believe in your faith in your belief. You have faith in your belief.