Killing / burning / attacking itches goes back to the begining of christianity. For some reason that religion associated the use of herbs , meditation, nature etc.. for healing and what not with a 'devil'. What we call witchcraft today used to be common place then. Watching how an animal reacts to you and your voice used to be a good way to get confirmation on a decision.. not now... it is considered witchcraft.
Using herbs to heal ? nope... witchcraft.
Witchcraft isnt a big secret or a huge ritual that is surrounded with newts eyes and frogs.

It is simply using natural ingredience for a natural outcome. But... that is the work of the devil. >sigh<
I wanna see your paintings ray! I am willing to bet that if everything was intact at that burial sight your sister found, that it in fact wasnt a 'witch' per modern day defination, but a woman who used the old ways in her life and had to hide from the catholic church who told her it was wrong. And since all it took was someone to use the word witch on you to be killed then, she saved herself and her family by moving.
People are not allowed to kill others for religion anymore in this country thank goodness! but people like me still recieve persecution all the time. I dont think it will ever end because everyone wants to be right and make everyone else agree with them. That burial sight is a sign / memorial to people who had to endure more then we know. ( if in fact the occupant was buried due to a witch burning or died with her secrets to save her life)