> gearing up <
Finally... a thread i can talk in. And I will talk alot. Like usual.
Witchcraft ... hmm.. I dont know where to begin.
Wicca, the religion of 'witches' has long been shrouded in secrecy. Anyone interested in learning the craft had to content to hints and notes from books since witches were not talking in fear of retalliation , death, and social attack.
People seem to be searching for a personally-involving religion wich celebrates both physical and spiritual realities and wicca is just such a religion . Centering around reverence for nature as seen in the Goddess and God. Its spiratual roots in antiquity , acceptance of magick and mysterious nature have made it particulary appealing. New age kids seem to attract to this religion looking for a way to 'rebel'.. usually leave when they find there is nothing to rebel against.. Wiccans dont 'push' to change people.. at least true wiccans dont . There is always a few sour apples in the pie though. And they do force , judge, scream and shout to try to get people to 'change'. ( christians have the same sour apples in thier religion )
Wiccans dont solicit because unlike most western religions , it doesnt claim to be the one true way to Diety. Just releishes in the diffrent path.
Wicca is a personal POSITIVE celebration of life. All religions should be just that though... personal.
There is no such thing as evil / black magic etc.. just intent. Just like you can pray to cause harm, you can create evil in wicca. Your intent judges and dictates your actions in wicca just like any other religion.
Unlike other religions , wicca doesnt view Diety as distant ( sky gods, clouds ,heaven etc..) The goddess and god are both within ourselves and manifest in all nature. This is the universality : there is nothing that isnt of the gods.
Wicca helps its practitioners to understand the universe and our place in it. At present , wicca is a religion with many variations . Simply because it is such a personally - structured system ( i can only state generalities about its creed and form)
Wicca , in common with many other religions recognizes Diety as dual. It reveres both Male and Female as equal and here, not distant or resident in 'heaven' but omnipresent throughout the universe. It also teaches that the physical world is one of many realities. The physical is NOT absolute nor is the spiritual 'purer' then the base. The only difference between the two is that the physical is thicker and we can see / hear/ touch it etc...
As in eastern religions, wicca also embraces the concept of reincarnation.
The wiccan idea of morality is simple. Do as you wish, harm noone. The same basic principal in ALL religions that are worth thier weight in salt... eastern/ and western.
wicca utilizes magic.It is the most appealing feature to it . MANY other religions use the same thing. Catholics? they use magic. The priests use 'magic' to transform a piece of bread into the 'body of christ'. Prayer-a common tool is simply a form of concentration and communication with Diety..... wich is what magic is. Just spelled diffrently.
Wicca isnt evil, neither is magic. Magic is simply extreme focus and communications with higher powers / gods/ goddess/ etc..
a good summary ..wicca is a joyus union with nature. The earth is a manifestation of divine energy . Wicca's templates are flower splashed meadows , forrests , and deserts. -meaning- when a wiccan is outside she/he is is actually surrounded by sanctity , much as is a chrisitian in a church or cathedral.
Blessed be