Nobody on A2K enjoys a good joke more than Wiyaka. And I think she knows how much we all like her. I doubt seriously that she'd be offended. But just in case...
...Come on in, Wiyaka! Hurry up, we're waiting for you! The Secret Sisterhood is meeting at your place this time!
(Sadly, she may not read this. I think I read somewhere that she will be gone for awhile. I do wish she'd hurry back.)
I think she would enjoy it too, but am not positive and wouldn't want to hurt her.
Hey sisterhood!
I want to speak of a serious issue: breast cancer. Yep, I'm scared too (can a woman get a hug up in here?).
Isn't it about time for a group breastacle exam?
How do you fine femfolk do it around here? Do we just expose, mingle and grope or what? I'm big on following protocol.
Awaiting instructions most vigorously.
Yours in solicitous sisterhood,
Totally Girly and Such
P.S. what's with the picture of the rose bummed laddie? Um.. he's wicked cute. Yeah! Boys are so yummy.
Anywho back to the regularly scheduled breastacle exam.
ossobuco wrote:I think she would enjoy it too, but am not positive and wouldn't want to hurt her.
I wouldn't hurt her for the world.
I also bet she'd laugh harder than any of us, and tell us not to pussyfoot around her. Stifling ourselves on her account might make her more uncomfortable than joking about this subject.
Man way to ruin a thread gals (in a particularly girly way, just start imagining stuff to get sensitive about).
I'll find somewhere else to play.
Frou frou just means really girly, kind of like lace, pearls, lots of pink stuff. So un-frou frou would kind of be the other way around. Not masculine, really, just not so traditionally feminine and pretty, e. g. blue jeans and a tee shirt instead of a frilly blouse and a pleated skirt.
I'd probably be chasing the lizard around, myself. We sometimes get bats here, even in the house. To be honest with you, I had no idea I could scream quite that loudly.
Well.... add a little fun to your exam..... hehe.. have your hubby do it. ;-)
I am probally one of the most un-frou-frou here.
Well.. that isnt true. I love my manicures/pedicures, sexy clothes and great hair products.
But you wont catch me in a dress. > my butt jiggles too much<
Being particularly frou-frou today (lace trim on the hem of my pants, a very very very frilly blouse, and wearing pearls for once), I know Wiyaka would kill for my shoes. She's often my sister in frou-frouness.
frou-frou'ing every now and then is wonderful!
I just dont like to do it with out a purpose. know what i mean?
Why waste all that expencive make-up if Im only going to the store, or staying home???
Being a girlie-type girl on occasion, I like to girlie-girl for me. In university I used to sometimes get all dolled up to go write an exam. Just for me.
Jjanet wrote:
Breast cancer- I don't even want to think about it. I am scared to even do a self examination because I am just scared, scared, scared. 
I believe one of the sisters selflessly offered to help...
Hey, did any of you ever notice that women are to blame for everything?
Just realized it right now, anything bad, any problem and it's wimmin's fault.
Weird how it works out that way. Anyone else notice..? Anyone?
Tough crowd.
I can be very girlie, girlie at times. Even though it's a waste on some people. So, most times I do it just for myself. :wink:
ehBeth wrote:Being a girlie-type girl on occasion, I like to girlie-girl for me. In university I used to sometimes get all dolled up to go write an exam. Just for me.
I'm with you, Bethie! My hubby has a hard time understanding that, but well, he's a guy. By chromosome and anatomical definition I fit the member description. May I join in?!
There is an anatomical TEST to join?
aww maaannnnnn...... I always flunk tests
> kicking the dirt <
I never get to have any fun. :-(
Craven de Kere wrote:Jjanet wrote:
Breast cancer- I don't even want to think about it. I am scared to even do a self examination because I am just scared, scared, scared. 
I believe one of the sisters selflessly offered to help...
Okay. I'll step in & toot that horn ... I know it's scary. It's scary for all of us, BUT it's about prevention! First of all, do you know how to do a self exam? Docs have pamphlets to show you exactly how to do it. Don't think that 'what you don't know won't hurt you'! Knowledge is power! Do the exam. Get to know your 'girls'/'twins'/breasts. You may not EVER find a bump or lump, and IF you do, it may not be cancerous. If it is and you've done your exam and had a mammogram, be thankful you've caught it early and your survival rate is much better. Okay?
Any one, feel free to add to that!...
Craven de Kere wrote:Jjanet wrote:
Breast cancer- I don't even want to think about it. I am scared to even do a self examination because I am just scared, scared, scared. 
I believe one of the sisters selflessly offered to help...
Okay. I'll step in & toot that horn ... I know it's scary. It's scary for all of us, BUT it's about prevention! First of all, do you know how to do a self exam? Docs have pamphlets to show you exactly how to do it. Don't think that 'what you don't know won't hurt you'! Knowledge is power! Do the exam. Get to know your 'girls'/'twins'/breasts. You may not EVER find a bump or lump, and IF you do, it may not be cancerous. If it is and you've done your exam and had a mammogram, be thankful you've caught it early and your survival rate is much better. Okay?
Any one, feel free to add to that!...
Sing it, sister!
(If we get all flushed and stompy and riled mins like it... if we talk about aunt flo's monthly visits and chocolate and lumps in boobs and what to do about them and all the while take great pains to not be offensive to anyone [well, unless it's someone we want to offend, but then we say we didn't really MEAN it, the offendee is reading too much into it, lighten up], THAT's what clears a room. Craven's hanging on, but barely.)
Hey, breastacles get slippery, I sometimes lose my grip.
Anywho, I work for a company that sells medical exam gloves and I personally feel very qualified to administer the examinations that devriesj wisely advocates.
Fondlage at the the top of the mound is better than a hospital at the bottom.