He he, wimmins who presume they know what I want.
<evil laugh (I don't know how to spell it)>
whooppeee ^5s all around.
high 5s -dorky? no way. uh uh.
Soz...girlfriend....if someone DID think that was dorky...I'm sure we could change their mind
...where did I leave my bat???
That's how E.G. spells it, and he's the evil genius, so he'd know.
Bats are wonderful mind-changing devices.
Vampire ones especially.
(Didja know that they don't, like, suck blood, they bite and then their saliva has an anti-coagulating agent as well as a numbing agent and so they just sit there and lap up the blood dripping out steadily? Somehow that's even creepier to me. EW.)
{hi-fives too late and misses, spinning around and almost landing on her butt}
Hello, girls! What's up? Oh no...is Craven trying to bait us....again? <yawn> It's late. I'm going to bed.
I think to find real cyber sisters as Craven describes them, you have to visit one of those Lord of the Rings fansites that Mrs. cav goes to. Them wimmins be crazy...
Our song:
soz: (Spoken) Against the guys we need every A2K gal we got.
ehbeth: (Spoken) Noddy don't belong any more.
soz: Cut it, Ehbeth sheesh. I and Noddy started the Gals.
ehbeth: Well, she acts like she don't wanna belong.
littlek: Who wouldn't wanna belong to the Gals!
ehbeth: Noddy ain't been with us for over a month.
Eva: What about the day we clobbered the Spammers?
onyxelle: Which we couldn't have done without Noddy.
littlek: She saved my ever-lovin' neck!
soz: Right! She's always come through for us and she will now.
When you're an A2K Gal,
You're a Gal all the way
From your first Gen'ral Thread
To your last postin' day.
When you're a Gal,
If the spit hits the fan,
You got sisters around,
You're an evil wo-man!
You're never offline,
You're never disconnected!
You're home with your own:
When company's expected,
You're well protected!
Then you are set
With a capital A,
Which you'll never forget
Till they cart you away.
When you're a Gal,
You stay a Gal!
(Spoken) I know Noddy like I know me. I guarantee you can count her in.
ehbeth: In, out, let's get crackin'.
onyxelle: Where you gonna find CdK?
soz: At the dance tonight at the gym.
dlowan: But the gym's neutral territory.
soz: (Innocently) I'm gonna make nice there! I'm only gonna challenge him.
onyxelle: Great, Sister-O!
soz: So everybody dress up sweet and sharp.
ALL (Sing)
Oh, when the Gals fall in at the cornball dance,
We'll be the sweetest dressin' gang in pants!
And when the guys dig us in our Gal avatars,
They're gonna flip, gonna flop, gonna drop like falling stars!
soz: (Spoken) Hey. Cool. Easy. Sweet. Meet Noddy and me at ten. And walk tall!
onyxelle: We always walk tall!
littlek: We're Gals!
ehbeth: The greatest!
ehbeth and littlek (Sing)
When you're a Gal,
You're the top cat in town,
You're the gold medal kid
With the heavyweight crown!
onyxelle, ehbeth, dlowan
When you're a Gal,
You're the swingin'est girl:
Little girl, you're a woman;
Little woman, you're on top of the world!
The Gals are in gear,
Our modems are clickin'!
The Guys'll steer clear
'Cause ev'ry A2K guy's gotta get a butt kickin'!
Here come the Gals
Like a bat out of hell.
Someone gets in our way,
Someone don't feel so well!
Here come the Gals:
Little world, step aside!
Better go underground,
Better run, better hide!
We're drawin' the line,
So keep your noses hidden!
We're hangin' a sign,
Says "Visitors forbidden"
And we ain't kiddin'!
Here come the Gals,
Yeah! And we're gonna beat
Ev'ry last buggin' gang
On the whole buggin' street!
On the whole!
Eva wrote:Hello, girls! What's up? Oh no...is Craven trying to bait us....again? <yawn> It's late. I'm going to bed.
As if drawn by an irresistible bond of wimminhood* they slowly gather, each sauntering in with a feigned nonchalance beguiled by their clenched fists and quivering jaws.
The seas were angry that day, my friend.
* Probably hormonal.
<guaranteed to gross out the mins and send them scurrying>
There was a time when I lived with about 20 adult women; after about 6 months, we were all on the same schedule. <waggles eyebrow significantly, waits for the scream and the bolt>
Not gross, but funny, I can imagine a bunch of bedraggled wimmins with unkept hair from all the fighting scratching and hair pulling that ensued from every bump into each other in the hallway.
Oh, so it's true that you wimmin types have a connection of that sort? I think it's an evil form of telepathy.
Put it this way... we had regular house meetings, and those were rearranged according to the schedule. ("I don't think the 15th would be the best time...")
Very much the cyber sisters there -- it wasn't directed at each other, it was directed outwards, and the mins were terrified.
Ahh, so now I imagine a castle with a moat and many many angry eyes peering out from within....
"Their eyes had all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming and the lamlight o'er them streaming threw their shadows on the floor.
Any fool who crosses the moat and dares knock on their door
Shall have use of his testes nevermore."
Beware of groups of women all ordering chocolate milk at lunch.
Hmmm, I love chocolate milk soooo much, she says, checking in while tap dancing to Jespah's song....
Ok, clue me in Sisterhood. What's the deal with chocolate milk? Is it like a secret code?
Shhhh, girls....don't tell him.