Thu 17 Jun, 2004 05:29 pm
Mike Reed wrote:Cyber Sisters are an extremely fierce confederation of fighting females who act something like a shrill Greek chorus, echoing and amplifying one another's voice until their foes retreat in disarray. They are generally leaderless, but anyone who challenges one Cyber Sister can expect to be savagely attacked by the others. Only the most powerful and battle-hardened of Warriors is strong enough to weather a Cyber Sisters attack.
So, do we have Cyber Sisters here?
I've spotted one!
Oh, I suppose a disclaimer is in order. That's from a satire site (flame warriors) that makes everyone look worse than they are.
But I'll defend Y-chromosome A2K'ers, too!
("I spotted one" came with your bug-eyed avatar. Worked.)
Hey! You need to act all angry so we can get a good sisterhood going.
No no that won't do, you need to get mad. Throw out a Grrrr! or a raspberry or two, they'll never come if they don't sense the sisterhood is being attacked.
Try harder!
I'm too tired to be mad. I mean, I'm sure you could figure out a way to rile me, but my imagination is lacking at the moment.
Men -- are they the new women? Is that a good or a bad thing?
Lemme think of something. Hmmm.
"Boy, women sure look goofy with those fleshy protuberances on their chests."
sounds like another "wimmins is evil" thread.
If a man speaks in the forest, and there is no woman around to hear him..... Is he still wrong?
the only thing i can think of to say isn't appropriate for a family site (not angry-like, just ruuuuuuuuude

), so ...
OK I'm all confused, am I supposed to be riling the Cyber Sisters or BEING a Cyber Sister? 'Cause BEING comes much, much more naturally. (Heard of the A2K girl gang by chance? Mess with one, get a truckload of 'em on your doorstep bearing baseball bats.) (Yeah, so we're a little trashy. Gonna make something of it?)
(I had some carrots, it helped.)
See! That's what I mean, the A2K Girl gang, you already have a partner with Beth and she looks mighty pissed.
What kind of sing and dance will the gang do (think West Side Story)?
In the beginning .......God created earth and rested. Then God created man and rested. Then God created woman. Since then, neither God Nor Man has rested.
I think it will involve kicks. Maybe some vogueing. Lots of looking fierce, for sure.
How do you know when a women's about to say something smart? When she starts her sentence with "A man once told me...."