This web site gives the history of the OLD/YOUNG picture.
Subsequent posting illustrate different forms of "illusion".
(1)The OLD/YOUNG etc, and the Escher type impossible figures are examples of central processing imposing a "Gestalt" or attempted interpretation on the stimulus. Such illusions have a correlation to culture as does the Muller-Lyer (arrowheads) one which is explainable by the way 2 dimensions are used to display 3 dimensional corners.
(2) The apparent bulges and fluctuating shadings in Mach type black and white pictures are often caused by automatic periphereral visual processing involving lateral inhibition in contour enhancing detectors. Such visual enhancement is thought to have arisen as a survival mechanism in humans.
The importance of illusions is to underscore the fact that perception is active not passive and that "truth" like beauty may always lie in the eye of the beholder.