Tue 3 Mar, 2015 07:55 pm
Hello all. I need some help I have an ec4 75v and last week I lost some water pressure, if I open the shower and flush the toilet, the shower goes into a trickle.... If I bypass the softener the pressure goes back to normal. My thought is that either there is something wrong with the ressin or something is clogging the unit but I have no clue where to start... The amount of money that someone who works in this unit is asking is outrageous and I got some help here few years back I hope I will get some help again thanks. I'm willing to work on it myself if someone guides me.
To resolve the problem of water pressure you have to checkout some problem like check the main water valve i on or not.
Sometimes the water main leads to a shutdown of all water in an area, check your neighbour and the other water department of your area.
May the pipe was burst from somewhere and you are unable to look at it, sometimes waste material like plastic and hair are gathered inside and due to that water pressure low.
hey Ray.. no problems anywhere else... the problem begins when I open The softener, if I bypass it pressure goes back to normal