I believe you are right about Texas, Edgar, though I can't for the life of me see what the rest of us ever got out their joining up.
So maybe there was a little oil there, and a cow or two, but the rest of it is just hardscrabble and caliche dust. (Wait a minute, am I thinking of Australia? No, no oil.)
   Individual wants to know about the present circumstances, not historical, at least that's how I read the question, so here goes:
      Scenario One
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Gun Nuts from the Right and Wackos from the Left attack us in the middle from both sides.    The really nice thing about living in a free country, which is what the US reportedly is for now, is there's always a plentiful supply of people who think they are being oppressed when they haven't got a clue what real oppression look or feels like. They get bent out of shape whenever there is anything that smacks of government.
"What I HAVE to put a license plate on my car??!!!???!!!?" The interesting thing to me is when I've talked with either gunnuts or wackos, they both sound the same, usually it comes to down to this: both bunchs want to be left alone to do whatever they want. If that sounds like adolescent behavior it's because it is.
   Scenario two:
      Red Sox fans finally have enough. They start carbombing the neighborhoods of the Yankee players, then they start carbombing the neighborhoods of the Red Sox players. Still, no real satisfaction.