Backaches can occur for many reasons such as muscle tension, improper diet, lack of physical activity, arthritis, excessive physical labor, poor sitting posture.
From back pain will help:
1)Systematic relaxation
2)Massage (in the ayurvedic tradition, regular oil massage, or snehana, is revered as a highly effective form of therapy for all sorts of ailments)
3)Eat warm foods (Because of the principle that like increases like, consuming cold food and drinks causes an increase in vata dosha, which leads to pain. Coldness creates constriction and congestion in the body, while the appropriate amount of heat provides expansion and allows the stool-carrying channels in the body (called srotas) to stay open so that we can optimally eliminate our food. And healthy elimination equals less pain.)
4)Aromatherapy (studies show that the essential oils of rosemary and thyme increase blood flow to muscles and create warmth, while peppermint and myrtle have temporary painkilling effects)
5)Herbs Turmeric and ginger help reduce inflammatory pain, while valerian, kava kava, chamomile, skullcap, passionflower, hops, and jatamansi (the “Indian valerian”) help combat tension-related pain.
6)Practice Padahastasana.
Padahastasana (standing forward fold pose) is a great Yoga pose for lower back pain in particular because it allows vata dosha to flow optimally throughout the body, eliminating the constriction of the channels that causes back pain.