I think some "fringe" scientists like Rupert Sheldrake are original because they propose "the unusual" e.g. External memory fields. He takes a "known" concept and places it in an "original location".
When you think about it all "breakthroughs" cannot stray far from "convention"
because "communication" always involves arguing from "the known" .
On end grating, application dextrousity dex in vsem lahko od pazalujsta fringes.
Moje uncomprehensible verzonungen mozema lagano ispolzovat bret.
bret. bret, bret bret ret ber rt.
Trud dstrem vengnision on on sisosurees indiovghennen. Jusus insisse dstrem, on issis trud nehmem.
If you are too original, no one will understand what you are saying. Hence, every thought will be labeled either as not 100% original, or utter nonsense.
lynn Margulis is like Sheldrake in that their originality is often a hairs breadth away from sheer wackiness.
better a hair's breadth than a hare's breath.
Please cut off my arms and legs.
So, I'm laying in bed the other night, scratching the itchy dog (not a euphemism), when it occurs to me that, due to language, humans are exceptional in their capacity for unoriginal thought. My dogs can't share any but the most basic ideas: those squirrels must be barked at! Everything else they've got to come up with on their own. I, on the other hand, have the potential to think thoughts thunk by Shakespeare, or Montessori, or Confucius, or .... 'Cuz we can talk and write and whatnot.
Dog is God spelled backwards. Perhaps you are not enlightened yet, PDog.
running toward endarkenment.
Heading towards the light, but man do these moth wings chafe. I should never have built them from Swiffer sheets.
bonk. bonk.
freakin' moths.
I just picked a scrap of dandruff from my scalp using a teapot, threw it in the ground, and swung a big piece of paper and melted it. Was that original?
i think nothings original, evenything's been said before, we are limited beings. we are all one and the same.
Nn, after having read several of your posts I have to ask the question. Do you describe humanity's limitations or your own?
A2K is for discussing issues, not personalities.
All we are is all we "are".
if are is even is.
well, then
what IS, is anyway?
IS there a forum for discussing personalities?
I have always heard that there is nothing new under the sun. I am certainly not vain enough to believe I think thoughts or conceive ideas that have been thought or conceived by no one else anywhere ever. But I, my husband, children, friends, colleagues every now and then come up with something that was not read or heard or taught--something totally original and unique to that individual--conceived independently.
For want of a better definition, I call this 'divine inspiration', that bit of genius that exists in all of us. For someone like Einstein, it probably is unique--I doubt anybody else thought up the concept of relativity before he did it.
On the other hand, a lot of the stuff I think up just gets me looked at funny.
Original Thinker
I am an original thinker and always have been. I was never one to take the well-traveled road of the crowd. It has always been my choice to take the road less traveled, only then do you see the extraordinary in the ordinary. Only then do you really see the incredible inspiration and magic of the world around us.
Life without original thinking would be no life at all.
Hmmm, since this old thread has been rearranged, I read through some of the more provocative posts. Ros's hypothesis about using duct tape to rearrange something broken to create something even more useful made me think about something my son thought up once (when he was much younger and less jaded):
What if the smallest known component in our universe was actually a self-contained whole other universe? And our universe was but a speck in some other whole universe?
Sure would give you a whole new perspective about throwing that log on the fire.