Quote:You've gambled your whole existence on the chance that the invisible friend in the sky might be real and give you the jackpot of eternal existence in heaven.
When I decided to 'gamble' on my invisible friend it wasn't for the eternal life thing. I just wanted to know WTF 'all this' is for. I was about 7 at the time and asked for that. Long story followed, won't bore you.
When I first opened a bible around age 21 (just out of curiosity, family was not religious) one of the first things I read was where it said 'Seek God first and everything else will be given to you.' I talked with my friend and said OK, that's what I want to do anyway, I'm kind of lazy and virtually incapable of doing anything I'm not interested in, so if I don't need to worry about my needs, I'll be free to seek answers about what God was all about.
I came from a poor family, went to a shitty trade school (radio/TV repairman), flunked out of college, got drafted but I never looked for a job, they always found me. In spite of having no degree or ambition I wound up in an engineering position (fun!), retired at 45, played with toys I built, met interesting people that wanted copies of them and became CEO of a company that built them (cause it was fun) and got more money than I can use in several lifetimes. And all that time I was most focused on 'finding the answer to life universe and everything'.
And yes, my invisible friend answered my first question to my full satisfaction. It was a good gamble, even if the eternal life thing wasn't in the cards.