@Frank Apisa,
Quote:And you? What is your guess?
LOL, I don't know if thee is enough hours in a day to give you my theories, but I'll try to give you some, and probably they will need further elucidating.
I find your own guess quite plausible
So, here goes noting, of course my theories come from my little understanding and/or misunderstanding of human nature.
So there is man in his infancy, face with the knowledge and confusion of his own death, face with being powerless again the elements and nature and it's hostile environment, clueless, perhaps scared and alienated. Our minds and our consciousness is our blessing and bane. existential angst creeps in.
Powerless, powerless and nothing we can do about save invent those gods that will save us and give us reason and purpose and perceived power . Invent them, and endow them with human characteristics for what else can we we do? Why not? our imagination may be faulty but it does allow us to dream.
who is to oppose us, science if at all exist is barely minimum? Personification of evey thing we dream and hope and desire, Man being man man,being god, the god(s) the he created.
But here's the rub, when we endow this god with our characteristics they involve what is best to what is worse in man,his fears and and his loves but how he responds to them is the key.
Do you understand sadomsochism? Domestic violence? one thinking they have the power while the other misguided takes abuse and worshiping the sadistic person and call it love. Sounds like the relationship of a religious person with their god. especially a personal god.
You want to keep people in line invent the boogie man.
promise them something that you know they want and if you "preach a better sermon they'll beat a path to your door."
You want what your neighbors has, you want his property? say your god gave you this land, this justify your actions.
You want slaves,be a master and save money, just don't beat him within three days to death.
you want 76 virgins just kill the infidels who insult Allah. Believing in your god justifies your actions and give you power otherwise you wouldn't have. Though, in truth you aren't really any more powerful than the day you were born.
No,if not why is the first commandant in the christian book"Do not worship other gods, not about life or property.
I think murder is no.6
save god sure did a lot of killing himself and always threatens to kill.
Isn't that what abusive fathers do, tell their kids they made them and they can break them? And call it love.
and you worshiper want to touch and be near this power, you may even secretly want it but you do his bidding and take his punish that you think that you earn, proving your love and thus allowed in his or her graces.
I better stop here.