I am not qualified to speak for any person's religion. I am not qualified to speak for any person's place of worship. I can only speak for myself. I am not a religious scholar or expert. In my youth I was brought up believing in God and Christ as my savior. My mother made sure that I went to church every sunday in my youth. Yes, I do see myself as a Christian. My limited understanding of my Christian faith teaches me to treat everyone with kindness. Help the sick. Help the homeless. Help the hungry. Help the poor. Help people who are most in need of a helping hand. My Christian belief also teaches me to realized that everything that I have I was blessed with and to thank god for those blessings. Based on my Christian beliefs, that would make me liberal because I believe in helping those less fortunate than myself. In fact based on bible teachings, Jesus Christ would be considered a liberal because he taught believers to help people who are less fortunate. The poor, the sick, the hungry, etc. Based on my Christian belief, I believe that Jesus would strongly support Medicare, Social Security, food assistance programs, housing assistance programs, and various other liberal programs that helps those in need of assistance. I also believe that Jesus would want mankind to take care of our planet. I believe Jesus would teach us to stop destroying our planet with mankind's climate change. Stop polluting our precious land and oceans with oil spills and other poisonous pollutants. Jesus would also promote peace not war. Remember I never claimed to be a bible expert. If I am wrong about any of these points, it is okay to correct me. I just wanted to point out why I believe that true Christian beliefs are much more liberal than they are conservative. On the other hand, I notice that conservatives who called themselves Christian totally ignores all of the points I just made. The conservative Christians seems to only know two issues. That's banning gay marriage and banning abortions. That is sad that conservatives don't put that same tenacity and level of energy in helping the less fortunate.