Wed 4 Feb, 2015 12:21 pm
Hi. I'm trying to say this in a way that is both impactful and grammatically correct. Appreciate any feedback.
Only when truly tested,
may we prove our mettle.
It's only when we are truly tested,
that we may prove our mettle.
I think the 'that' is wrong. But I like the way it feels. Is 'may' OK even though it's technically 'can'
I like the first one, using "may," and I believe it is grammatically correct.
And if I'm incorrect, the grammar mavens will soon be here to pick at the nits.
The 'that' is grammatically not wrong at all. You can let it stand. I would remove that unnecessary comma, however.
Thanks! And yes, it's an option for a headline so meant to be grandiose.
Ticomaya wrote:And if I'm incorrect, the grammar mavens will soon be here to pick at the nits.
So, if you are wrong, only a "nitpicker" would stoop so low as to disagree with what your wrote?