Bearer of truth
Hazelitt, you said, "Tex-Star, however tentative and subjective truth may be, almost all of human life, development of ideas, technology, and such comforts as we have are built upon the assumption that we can know things."
Truth is only subjective and tentative when it comes to knowledge of how we ourselves think we, and others, should live and be governed. I speak of a higher knowledge of who we are and why we even live here on this planet, not how some one person thinks others should be "governed." The people make that garguantuan decision backed up by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Hazelitt, you yourself seem to be setting up a system of values that YOU think will produce a society "more open to human freedom and development."
Don't be surprised that some people, indeed some entire countries, may feel this NOT to be their truth.
Who, BTW, is
"retreating into a shell of total doubt" even "denying ones responsibility to ones neighbors, community and the world as a whole." What I THINK is that this statement is insulting.