Tue 8 Jun, 2004 06:20 pm
We had a new flat roof put on our house 2 years ago. Ever since, whenever it gets hot outside, we get a tar-like smell upstairs. Anyone have any ideas as to the root cause and how I can resolve it?
As the intense sun makes the tar soft, it begins to smell. Try new insulation. I don't guarantee, but, if the smell is indoors, you must have little between yourself and the roofing.
How old is your house? I don't recall when contractors started using plastic sheeting as a vapor barrier on all outside wall and ceilings. I hate to say it but that may be the answer, installing a layer of heavy plastic over your ceiling material.
The house is about a 100 years old, so I doubt there is any vapour barrier. The bathroom is where the smell is the strongest and it was just redone 3 years ago and probably doesn't have any vapour barrier either. I'll have to check in to that.
100 year old house, flat roof, hmm do you live in the Southwest by any chance? Is the house adobe? If so was the tar job a band-aid for a leaky roof that really needs replacing? Just askin, you understand. I could be way off base here.
try replacing your windows if you hadent already. and when you do make sure the contractor insulates them properly(around the perimeter) i sugest a good latex foam from a can.