Quote:Facts DO need explanation in the sense that an item of experience sometimes needs to be evaluated regarding its alleged facticity. Someone has said that facts are little theories.
When I insist saying that
facts are not in need of explanation is because we can live without it.
The existence of water in our planet is a
You don't need to explain the origin of water to verify its existence in this world. You can live in this world drinking water without having the explanation of its origin, causes of existence, and so forth.
On the other hand, you are free to look for an answer of how water came to be in the universe.
The same as well, we perceive the entire universe in its present simultaneously with our present, and this is a
How is this possible? Who knows. It debunks the whole former knowledge about perception of the universe, because this perception is a
It is a fact, because it can be proved and it wont fail.
THE PERCEPTIONAL LAW and the several theories saying that we perceive the "past images" of far away planets and stars, the
law rules over the theories.
And about the saying you have mentioned. A theory is an attempt to explain something, and a fact won't explain anything, a fact just "is".