Oy. It's a step. A teeny tiny little step.
Ironically, but they were all too open in the early days of the AIDS epidemic, and as a result some people (probably Arthur Ashe and Ryan White among them) got HIV through the blood supply.
Now they're being too strict. Of course the blood supply must be protected. Hell yeah. But it's not the act of having sex with men that gives people HIV. It's the act of having sex with men (very rarely women, but nearly always it's a transmission from men. Sorry, guys)
infected with HIV (or sharing contaminated needles with infected people of either gender) that gives people HIV.
The ban should be on anyone who hasn't had an HIV test in a year or has had at least one positive (even a false one - I won't take chances even if it's a lab tech's fault. I just think a blanket prohibition would be easier to enforce).
Hell, they should just start the process with HIV tests for everyone. I'm more than willing to submit to one.