@DNA Thumbs drive,
well, my typing skills don't need any advice from you. Look at it s a test of your intelligence.
The fossil record is chockablock with examples of "derived" species that are united to previous "parent" species by morphology. (I know you thumpers don't want to stipulate to macro evolution but that's defiant ignorance not
Sciientific thought")
Arctic Stickelback fish can be turned off and on into cold tolerant forms (which are morphologically quite different from their parent species). Theres but one gene (in fact its only and SNP, a part of a gene) that is associated with the derived form.
The turning off and on of "fossil genes" is now within our technology and understanding. I imagine that labs all over the world will be recreating mammoths, chicken with teeth, even placoderm fish, etc.
SCience often is unable to do things just at the time you demand it, but theres a long learning curve that e first have to decipher how things actually work before we try to affect changes to biological systems.