Sorry, you have not portrayed that you comprehend the process of which I'm referring. Fixating upon sea levels, global warming and other fashionable activism is not primary. That you bluster your arrogance by smearing my knowledge level hurls you into a pubescent class, which may be fitting to a savant who has zero social skills. But usually, a savant will honestly state they do not know something without being compelled to hurl insults.
If you did know, then my status, what I know or do not know, would not be so important to you. So, my intellectual capacity is relevant. Either you know empirically that there are no such forces at work, or you do not. Whether you know anything in competition to me is not bearing upon what I do not claim to know anyway. But you are too limbic and irrational to move beyond that.
You may cite research that confirms your position. If you had none already in mind, then in my opinion, you are a posturing liar.
So, if you are equipped with a rational response, then I invite you to give quantitative data. I am not concerned about sea levels, they are ancillary to the process. To belabor your ethos of interaction, if you cannot cease being contentious it would be good to have your parent of guardian revisit the merit of all the inert stars they put on your refrigerator.
If you read the question, I include awareness the volcanic formation and uplift which helps land stay above the sea level. Even taking the meteorite chunks and dust.
Let me make certain I get your position right: You are confidently stating that the 5 erosion processes are effacing land at an immeasurable differential rate which tectonics and volcanism combined are repositioning it? I really suspect that you don't actually know what you are talking about. And as cover, would prefer to smear my question to portray yourself as someone who knows more than they actually do, pretentious is a fitting word.
So your position is that there is no land loss/repositioning to erosion?
This is not "loss" according to a quantum matter definition, but land repositioning upon the planet is such a way as it no longer appears above the surface of the water. Again, this cannot be due to water rising as if the water is causative, but barring replenishment from a comet, it only rises by displacement.
You could look at this as if there was water rising, but that is looking at a symptom rather than the process. Water is not compressible so it rises as a result of other forces. In the case of my query, it is like tub water rising when you get into the tub, not because of bad behavior in the bathroom. That is another perhaps exo-philosophical discussion.