Wed 19 Nov, 2014 05:55 pm
Now speaking in terms of evolution, our minds are designed to experience emotions from our perceptions (thoughts) for a very important reason. First off, our thoughts are nothing more than what is used for rationalizations and problem-solving while our emotions are what encourage our survival in life. So if you have the perception (thought) that there is a wild animal that is going to attack you, that would then send an emotional signal to the fear center of your brain in order to encourage you to get out of there so that you survive. Same thing with experiencing pleasure. Pleasure is what also encourages us to benefit our survival and the survival of others as well (although pleasure can be misused in not benefiting our survival such as harming ourselves and others). Where I'm getting at with all of this is that our thoughts alone do not encourage our survival. The word "good" means "looking forward to things in life," "being encouraged in life," etc. But you cannot be encouraged in life without any emotions since only our emotions (as well as pain) are what is designed to encourage us to survive. The quoted term "looking forward to things in life" as well as any other terms for the word "good" are all derived from what only pleasure can achieve since "good" means "Our encouraged survival in life to benefit ours and others survival." Thoughts alone without our emotions may make us do great things in life and make us benefit ours and others survival. But that is not the same thing as being "good" (our "encouraged survival in life"). Same thing applies with having no fear or any other emotions, but choosing to run away from a wild animal that is attacking you anyway. That is not the same thing as our "encouraged survival" either while you are running away from this dangerous animal in order to survive. Also, "good" and "bad" are both our "encouraged survival in life." The difference is that our encouragement to survive in order to benefit ours and others survival (which would be pleasure) is the "good" version of our "encouraged survival." But things such as fear, pain, and despair are evolution's "warning" version of our "encouraged survival" since they warn us that something is wrong in life. So "warning" in terms of evolution is what is "bad" which makes pain and despair the bad version of "encouraged survival." Therefore, this is why only pleasure is good while only pain and despair are bad while everything else in life is neutral (neither good or bad). So this is the reason why you cannot be a good or bad person and that your life cannot be good or bad if you did not have feelings of pleasure, pain, or despair.
Now there may be other definitions of the words "good" and "bad" out there that others might have proposed, but they are all still derived from our evolutionary design which would be our "encouraged survival" in life (which would, again, be definitions that are derived from our emotions as well as our pain). If, for example, another definition of the word "good" means objects and people that help us avoid suffering, anything that helps us accept our losses and move on in life, or our actions of helping others, then even that is derived from pleasure and can only be achieved through pleasure because someone might then tell those with anhedonia (absence of pleasure) to be encouraged in life knowing that these things are good and that his/her actions of helping others is good despite his/her loss of pleasure. But as I just stated before, this person cannot be "encouraged" or "look forward" to those things in life without his/her pleasure since pleasure is the only thing that can achieve those quoted things (pleasure being all good feelings including love and motivation). The term "looking forward to" and any other such terms here are derived from "our encouraged survival" since you cannot look forward to anything in life without being encouraged. Even things such as value, worth, and beauty are also derived from "our encouraged survival" (which would be pleasure). Other things in life aside from one's own pleasure might be defined as "good," but without our encouragement (pleasure), then this version of "good" is nothing more than a neutral thought that doesn't make us or our lives anything "good" in reality without our pleasure. Same concept applies for "bad." Even if we were to somehow redefine the word "encouragement" to something else besides our pleasure and then tell someone to be encouraged in life knowing that there are other good and greater things in life aside from his/her pleasure, even this would still be nothing more than a neutral thought. As I said before, our "looking forward in life," "being encouraged in life," etc. is all derived from our own pleasure. So this is the reason why people are only fooling themselves into thinking that they are good people and that their lives are somehow good independent of their pleasure or if they had no pleasure in life. These thoughts of "good" and "bad" or any other created meanings for that matter that these people have are all nothing more than neutral thoughts. As I said before, thoughts are just thoughts no matter what they are and the only difference is that they are different sounds, images, words, etc. and that is all. They might send different signals to different parts of the brain, but even those other parts of our brain besides our pain and emotions are not our "encouraged survival" (meaning, that they are neither good or bad) and nor is anything else in life good or bad either aside from our own pleasure, pain, and despair. You are also not in the minds of others and cannot experience their pleasure, pain, and despair. Therefore, it is only your own pleasure, pain, and despair that are the only good and bad things from your own perspective while the pleasure, pain, and despair of others are the only good and bad things from their own perspectives. The pleasure, pain, and despair of others from your own perspective is neutral since it is nothing more than a neutral thought. Even if it is a good or bad value you have towards the pleasure, pain, and despair of others, that is still nothing more than a neutral thought. Therefore, how good one is (their level of greatness) and how good one's life is solely depends on the level of pleasure he/she has in his/her life. Same thing applies for how bad one is and how bad his/her life is.