Is bombs and guns enough to stop Isis?

Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2014 12:55 pm

Why should we wage a conventional war against barbaric Isis when we can wipe them out with Napalm bombs. It will not only stop them in their tracks, it will stop them from doing it again

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. Mark Twain

“No lesson is so deeply inculcated by the experience of life as that you should NEVER TRUST EXPERTS.” Lord Salisbury
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2014 01:03 pm
Rickoshay75 wrote:
Why should we wage a conventional war against barbaric Isis when we can wipe them out with Napalm bombs.

Didn't you learn anything from Vietnam war?

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2014 02:38 pm
Or Rick even poison gas, what a saving in the preservation of structures

Of course I'd require it be of a type that sets in with euphoria and numbing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2014 07:59 pm
Didn't you learn anything from Vietnam war?

Didn't you? I learned N.Vietnam blew nothing up in the US, or European countries. This is much more dangerous enemy.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 02:03 am
Dumbshit, neither has ISIS.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 11:03 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Dumbshit, neither has ISIS.

ISIS has inspired attacks in Canada and the US. And did N.Vietnam threaten the US homeland? Or was the technology available?

You are a whining misimformed, brainwashed, progressive piece of ****.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 12:12 pm
Rickoshay75 wrote:

Why should we wage a conventional war against barbaric Isis when we can wipe them out with Napalm bombs.

Didn't you learn anything from Vietnam war?>>

Nam was about attack sorties, Isis is about a barbaric army, more suited for a napalm attack.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 12:34 pm
Again, I would expect from a retired engineer to have learned something from past errors.

I see no reason that a strategy that didn't work in the past would work now.

You want to burn the Isis army with Napalm and to hell with collateral damages.


Lots of civilians would be killed, wounded, handicapped for life.

No wonder more and more people around the world hate you.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 01:02 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
ISIS is dangerous enough to warrant some western ground troops in addition to the aerial strikes. Let's kill them in the bud before they grow any further.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 01:33 pm
No wonder more and more people around the world hate you.

The wonder is how you can see any other solution. You are tolerating evil. And your country is paying the price. Look at your Muslim ghettos and your children being groomed and raped.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 01:37 pm
You don't know what you are talking about, blinded that you are by your racist bias.

There are other war strategy solutions but they are wasted on you..
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 01:56 pm
blinded that you are by your racist bias.

First, Islam is not a race. Second, whatever bias I have is due to the facts about Islam.


Fact The Koran and Hadith and any Islamic holy literature.

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2014.11.16 (Azere, Nigeria) - A female suicide bomber detonates at a mobile phone market, killing thirteen patrons.
2014.11.15 (Yala, Thailand) - A Buddhist teacher is brought down by Muslim gunmen.
2014.11.15 (Pikit, Philippines) - Two civilians die when Bangsamoro Islamic terrorists send a mortar into their village.
2014.11.14 (Chibok, Nigeria) - A dozen are killed when Islamists invade a peaceful town and throw explosives into homes.
2014.11.14 (Azamiyah, Iraq) - Eleven lose their lives when Jihadis bomb a street packed with shops and vendors.
2014.11.14 (Kano, Nigeria) - A suicide bomber at a petrol station incinerates six other souls.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.

Exactly what do you see Muslims doing to stop this?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 02:05 pm
I told you already that your nitpicking about race doesn't change anything to your hateful misanthropist nature.

I'm not here to help you in your propagandistic crusade.

Using Napalm wouldn't solve any problem, not even in your own case.

Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 02:49 pm
I'm not here to help you in your propagandistic crusade.

There is no propaganda. The brutality and violence are real. What do you see that is positive about Islam? I see a society ruled by an inhuman set of laws and attitudes and commanded to inflict them on everyone.

If there is any nit to pik, it is between your ears, you emasculated ball of puss.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 02:56 pm
It's easy to talk through a forum on the internet.

I'd like to see you showing your balls, facing ten determined fighters, or even one.

Tell me about your exploits on fighting ground, you little rooster..
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 03:23 pm
Napalm is not the solution. Ground troops are.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 03:28 pm
I'd like to see you showing your balls, facing ten determined fighters, or even one.

That is quite a childish statement. In fact, it seems you are advocating violence.
Oh how thew mighty have fallen.

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Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 10:44 pm
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Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 10:44 pm
Using Napalm wouldn't solve any problem, not even in your own case.
URL: http://able2know.org/topic/259893-1

May I take a bit of time to think this over. I think using napalm on CJ might work out allright.
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 10:47 pm
May I take a bit of time to think this over.

If you could think you would agree with me. Islam is a cancer, and that is putting it nicely.

And you and others only enable these inhuman bastards.
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