Hello Sky123
Yes, having religious teachers, rather than self education has been one of the reasons Islam has been able to develop into a fairly peaceful religion. In this way, they were able to disregard the more intolerant / violent tendancies of the Quran.
I understand why it is taught by Imams and scholars. Firstly there's no chronology to the Quran / Hadiths. Secondly there is no context. Thirdly, the Hadiths vary in value / reliability. and Lastly, most muslims don't speak Arabic. The first 3 alone created huge problems.
What has changed in the last decade, is access to the internet. Now, Muslims (and non Muslims) are able to look into the founding texts for themselves. They are able to establish the chronology, and the context. They are able to compare how these matched (or didn't match) the behaviour of Mohammad. Changed too is the social media aspect (youtube / facebook etc), and it's impact upon Muslims who hold to the Islamic concept of Umma.
What has changed since the 1970's, is the rise of Saudi Arabia, and it's exportation of it's particular brand of Salafism / Wahabism.
Also changed is the conflict landscape around the Middle East.
In terms of violent tendancies of the Quran - those who would have understood the interpretation best, the direct followers of Mohammad (those who he spoke to), and the following several generations...committed to war until they had spread from the Arabian peninsula to India, to the Atlantic. Ocean...all in the next 2oo years.
This behaviour is in direct correlation with the behaviour of Mohammad towards the end of his life, and the last commands Mohammad gave - Surah 9.
The two major texts on which Abrogation is based ( inserted for non-Muslims. I'm sure Muslims know them)
Quote:None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?
— Qur'an 2:106, [1][4]
When We substitute one revelation for another, – and Allah knows best what He reveals (in stages),– they say, "Thou art but a forger": but most of them understand not.
— Qur'an 16:101, [2][4]
Quote:2.255 and 2.256 are one of the firmest verses of Quran (to understand the meaning of firm, please see Muhkamat and Mutashabihat), A firm Ayah doesn't abrogate by any other Ayah.
How then, do you resolve the glaring contradictions then, between that, and what is in Surah 9?
Quote:Having a girl child was a shame for families. Worse than that, killing a girl child was a value. In such a society, he kissed the hands of his girl and said, Women are nearer to God than men because their heart is milder.
He had plenty of good qualities. By all reports he was very charasmatic, a good judge of people, a fine military leader, a great politician, and show compassion and understanding in many places...that doesn't mean he wasn't also a warrior prophet, not does it mean that he didn't leave a legacy that created both good, and bad.