Are there any peaceful muslim nations?

Fri 24 Apr, 2015 01:54 am
Well, one of the issues is that there is no good solution:
Alternatives in the various degrees of severity:
- do we really just kill everyone just because they are muslim? If we don't, then where do we draw the line? If we do, who's going to do it?
- do you ban the religion? Wherever religions have been banned, they have just gone underground, and in many ways, become even more dangerous
- do we try and work with them? Knowing if they get enough power, they will move to enforce their way of life on us?
- do we do nothing?

I haven't seen a good answer yet, and it is my suspicion that there isn't a good answer.

As for climate change, I think that if we removed the immediate economic cost of trying to correct it, we would find the following:

- no informed person (skeptic or believer) doubts that CO2 causes global warming (because venus' atmostphere is 98% CO2, and it is 400 degrees hotter than mercury); and
- we are of course pouring millions (or is it billions?) of tonnes of CO2 into the air each year

...therefore, we must be contributing to the heating of the earth. The only argument is over 'by how much?'

...the argument arising from the question 'by how much' is 'how much of an affect is that extra rise having on our planet?'

But of course, the debate about such things belong in another thread.
Fri 24 Apr, 2015 03:02 am
Talking about 'what do do', my local newspaper just ran an article on one such approach:

Experts call for focus on families to prevent radicalisation of young people

IT’S simple, cheap and it’s surprisingly effective.

Now one expert is calling for Australia to take inspiration from a German approach to fight radicalisation following the arrest of five teenagers over an alleged Anzac Day terror plot.

Curtin University professor and chair of People against Violent Extremism Dr Anne Aly said Berlin-based program Hayat has been credited with helping foil terrorist attacks by using counsellors to help friends and family reconnect with the person.

“The family gets skills and counselling and the support they need to reconnect with the individual,” she said of the program which means “life” in Arabic...

...It’s a deceptively simple idea for governments around the world who are scrambling to counter the threat of the Islamic State, regarded as the “number one national security priority” by Australian officials...

Further into the article, it gives the amount currently being thrown around to protect Australia from Islamic Extremism (At Federal Level, on top of what each State spends)

The government has already raised the national terror alert to high and provided an extra $630 million in funding for the Australian Federal Police, ASIO and other agencies while introducing new counterterrorism laws and passport control...
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Tue 28 Apr, 2015 08:56 pm


I haven't seen a good answer yet, and it is my suspicion that there isn't a good answer.

Those with the solution are not in power, or have not enough power to solve it.

I can guarantee one thing, the necessity is the mother of all inventions, creations, and solutions.
In 21st century Iranians are struggling to develop a nuclear bomb for years and years. We did that in less than a year, more than 70 years ago, and use that, because it was necessary.
So when we will get desperate we will do what has to be done. All the politics will be put aside. But unfortunately we are reactive nation. It means we have to fill pain before we take a pain pill. Just like happen after 911, and just like happen after Pearl Harbor. We were all united.
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Tue 28 Apr, 2015 09:12 pm
As far as the climate change, I am strong believer of actual facts. Since 1880 the average temperatures rise only 0.8C that's a fact. Second fact is, from 1300 to about 1870 our earth experienced what we call The Little Ice Age. So we can easily add 2 and 2 together. Third fact is that All Gore and others became filthy rich just propagating climate change. This, plus their proposals of carbon tax etc. is making me and others very scaptical of the legitimacy of the whole issue. Is just like saying "unless you pay us money (taxes ) we are all going to die". Do you see where I'm coming from?
Wed 29 Apr, 2015 01:13 am
I understand where you are coming from, and what you are espousing is exactly the issue that I pointed out - there is argument over how much, and what affect the 'how much' has...but not over the actual heating of the earth.

As for the will to find a solution - yes, what you said is quite the case. Even Debate is only just starting to become accepted (somewhat)as the rate of Islamic terrorism has escalated, and with reporting of similar issues in other (non-western) countries starting to make the news. Before that, debate was almost always shut down forcefully by apologists yelling 'racist' or 'bigot' or other such nonsense at those criticising Islam, no matter how valid the criticism.
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Mon 4 May, 2015 04:28 am
Gunmen shot dead after opening fire at art exhibition in Texas featuring depictions of Prophet Mohammed

Two gunmen who opened fire at an exhibition and cartoon contest in Texas featuring depictions of the Prophet Mohammed have themselves been shot dead at the scene.

The two armed suspects drove up to the front of the building in a car as the Mohammed Art Exhibit in Garland was coming to an end and began shooting at a security officer, the city said in a message posted online.

Garland police officers then exchanged fire with the gunmen, and both suspects were shot dead, the city said...
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Mon 4 May, 2015 04:53 am
It seems like it's long past time to seek a "final solution" to the palestinian problem.

Any realistic solution to the problems of the middle East will have to involve finding a place for the palisavages to live, at a safe distance from Israel and I mean safe for Israel and the Israelis. No reasonable person could ask Israelis to live near them.
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Mon 4 May, 2015 04:58 am
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Fri 8 May, 2015 03:51 pm


POLICE and ASIO have foiled a teenage terror plot to detonate three bombs in an attack believed to have been planned for this Sunday in Melbourne.

Senior intelligence sources confirmed a 14-year-old from Sydney was among a group of teenagers targeted in co-ordinated counter-terrorism raids across Sydney and Melbourne on Friday.

In Melbourne, the bomb squad and heavily armed police were used in a raid on a doctor’s home, where his son was arrested...
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Mon 25 May, 2015 01:12 am
Australian Newspaper: Full Story http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/world/thousands-of-women-brutalised-and-sold-into-sex-slavery-by-isis-militants/story-fnihsmjt-1227367930086

Thousands of women brutalised and sold into sex slavery by ISIS militants

THE brutalisation and sexual slavery of women and girls has become central to the ISIS ideology, with “pretty” virgins sold at auctions and women killed and raped…

Last month, the Human Rights Watch released a report detailing the system of organised rape and sexual assault, sexual slavery and forced marriage by ISIS militants….

The Human Rights Watch interviewed 11 Yazidi women and 9 girls who had escaped capture by ISIS between September 2014 and January 2015.
Half — which included 12-year-old girls — had been raped, some more than once by ISIS fighters.

Nearly all had been forced into marriage, sold, or given as gifts…

ISIS response

ISIS has justified its treatment of women and girls in its magazine, Dabiq, saying Islam permits sex with non-Muslim “slaves”, which includes girls, in addition to beating and selling them.

In a lengthy explanation of how Yazidi citizens should be sold, enslaved and beaten until they repent and convert, the magazine dictates that unlike other female apostates — “who can only be given an ultimatum to repent or face the sword” — the Yazidi women and children should be captured and divided “according to the Shari’ah among the fighters of the Islamic State”.
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Fri 26 Jun, 2015 06:38 pm
Tajikistan. Uzbecistan, Kazakhstan, Armania, Yemen, Qatar, United Arabic Emerates, and a few more countries.

all the violence in muslim nation is spread by Atheist Americans and Russians and Europeans.

Palestine is in Isreali territory** And Africa is strictly not an Islamic state*

atheists are the **** disturbers in Islamic states. Pakistan is safe, Iran is safe. Most of Arabia is safe.

Yes the Muslim states are generally peaceful XD ahah thank you for asking.
Fri 26 Jun, 2015 08:15 pm
http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/world/man-found-decapitated-and-several-injured-by-attacker-with-islamic-state-flag-in-grenoble-france/story-fnihsmjt-1227416898188<br />
Man found decapitated and several injured by attacker with Islamic State flag in Grenoble, France

A MAN has been decapitated and at least two more injured at a gas product factory in France by a man carrying an Islamic State banner.

The attack took place at the headquarters of American company Air Products, in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, near Grenoble, in the southeast of France, just after 10am (6pm AEST).

Yassin Salhi, a 35-year-old truck driver, is suspected of decapitating his boss, before entering the factory grounds in a utility truck, then crashing the vehicle into a hangar at the site, prompting an explosion...
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Fri 26 Jun, 2015 08:17 pm
Attack on hotels in Tunisia kills dozens

ISLAMIC State has claimed responsibility for Tunisia and Kuwait, and an Islamist flag was displayed at the French site.

An attack on two tourist hotels in the Tunisian resort district of Sousse has killed at least 37 people, the interior ministry said...
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Thu 2 Jul, 2015 07:45 pm
http://www.thelocal.fr/20150629/france-40-imams-deported-for-preaching-hatred<br />
France says 40 imams deported for hate speech

France has deported 40 foreign imams for "preaching hatred" in the past three years, a quarter of them since the January terror attacks in Paris, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on Monday.

The minister vowed to clamp down on mosques and preachers inciting hatred after a suspected Islamist beheaded his boss during an attack on a gas factory last week...

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Fri 17 Jul, 2015 01:34 am

Four US Marines have been shot dead in Tennessee in domestic terror plot: officials

FOUR Marines were killed in twin shootings at US military centres in the southern state of Tennessee in what officials said was a possible act of “domestic terrorism.”...

A US official speaking on condition of anonymity identified the gunman as 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez of Hixson, Tennessee...

NBC News and CNN reported that he was a naturalised US citizen, originally from Kuwait.

Local news network WRCB said Abdulazeez graduated from the University of Tennessee in 2012 with a degree in engineering.

The Chattanooga Times Free Press said he was a soil engineering specialist working for the city.

A woman who attended Red Bank High School with Abdulazeez said he was a quiet kid, but well-liked....

In an apparent blog post written on Monday, he said Muslims should not let “the opportunity to submit to allah ... pass you by,” according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist activity on social media.
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Mon 20 Jul, 2015 05:24 pm

Yes the Muslim states are generally peaceful XD ahah thank you for asking.

Are you crazy?http://www.alien-earth.com/images/smileys/stoned.gif
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Fri 7 Aug, 2015 04:16 pm
Full Story http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/world/gunmen-storm-mali-hotels-taking-up-to-10-foreigners-hostage/story-fnihsmjt-1227475023279
Gunmen storm Mali hotels taking up to 10 foreigners hostage

JIHADISTS stormed two hotels in central Mali, seizing at least six hostages and killing three Malian soldiers and a UN peacekeeper in one of the most brazen attacks in months, defence officials said.

The Islamic militants assaulted one hotel in the town of Sevare, and then after an exchange of gunfire moved on to the Hotel Byblos next door where they grabbed between six and 10 people, said Lt. Col. Diarran Kone...
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Sat 8 Aug, 2015 06:58 am
They were all peaceful until non-Muslim countries screwed them over around WW 1 and from then on. Drop bombs on someone and they're gonna get surly.
Sat 8 Aug, 2015 08:18 pm
You can only say that if you haven't read history, and are ignorant about current goings on.

What lead to the crusades was hundreds of years of muslim invasions of Europe.

Right up until the 1800's. the Ottoman empire during it's various stages, invaded Europe.

You basically have almost 1000 years of Islamic aggression. Of course, there has been aggression by Christian states too (though no Christian States exist anymore, as in a religious State), but these comments are aimed at 'they were all peaceful until...'
' until non-Muslim countries screwed them over around WW 1'

Prior to ww1, the Ottoman empire committed 2 massacres against Armenian Christians within it's borders. In the 1st world war, the Ottoman Empire chose sides. They then committed genocide against Armenian Christians, killing over 1,000,000 of them

That behaviour wasn't due to being 'screwed over by non-muslim countries, having occured prior to, and before the Ottoman empire collapsed.

' until non-Muslim countries screwed them over around WW 1'

Africa, not part of the middle east affected by ww1 has Islamist organisations outright stating that:
- christians shall never know peace (Boko Haram, Nigeria)
- democracy is evil (the Kenyan group)
- Rome we're coming for you (ISIS Libya)

And religious tensions with Islamic groups attacking:
- Islamist north of Sudan attacking Christian south
- Somalia with problems along Islamic divide
- Mali with Jihadi groups
- Ivory Coast bombings
- a number of others, I've the news articles in this thread somewhere
- most of these groups stated objectives is to form an Islamic State

- Egypt Islamist issues...when the Muslim Brotherhood came to power, 130 churches were torched (as this coincided with an Islamist Group taking power, it's hard to argue it is related to WW1), and 600,000 Christian Copts have fled the persecution
' until non-Muslim countries screwed them over around WW 1'

In Pakistan, minorities are persecuted by the Islamic majority

Indonesia had the same problem with it's Christian enclaves, which came under sustained attack from Muslims

Around the world, 9 out 10 of the most dangerous places for Christians to be, are Islamic countries

One of the reasons for the above:

The Quran has verses (previously quoted), variously calling Christians: Dogs, Cattle, Monkeys, Losers, the worst of creatures, corrupt, liars, followers of Satan. Conversely, it repeats over and over how Muslims are winners.

The Quran also has multiple verses (previously quoted) demanding muslims not integrate with other peoples

The quotes are found in just the first several chapters of the Quran (there's 119 chapters)

As we all know, intolerance leads to conflict. The hate the Quran spews for Christians, Jews, polytheists, and non-believers, is quite ugly.
None of this includes Islamic states reducing non-muslims to second class citizens, and the intolerance, discrimination, conflict, and injustice that leads to.

The comparative position in todays world -

Muslims being persecuted (by other religions) Vs their persecution of others (religions)

...is so lop sided as to be a joke
To make a statement about the peacefulness of the religion shows profound ignorance, as does a claim that it started with ww1
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Sat 8 Aug, 2015 11:36 pm
Full Storyhttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-33819032

Bangladesh blogger Niloy Neel hacked to death in Dhaka

A Bangladeshi blogger known for his atheist views has been hacked to death by a gang armed with machetes in the capital Dhaka, police say.

Niloy Neel was attacked at his home in the city's Goran area.

He is the fourth secularist blogger to have been killed this year by suspected Islamist militants in Bangladesh.

Imran H Sarkar, head of the Bangladesh Blogger and Activist Network, told the BBC that Mr Neel had been an anti-extremist voice of reason.

"He was the voice against fundamentalism and extremism and was even a voice for minority rights - especially women's rights and the rights of indigenous people," he said....
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