No more is what the man said and he added that it is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury. Don't you just love those words?
More Shakespeare quotes will certainly put off hoi polloi. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Nothing leads me to Socrates. He once said "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing", and I guess there is wisdom in those words.
Words of wisdom are always welcome on this thread. Never speak more clearly than you think.
Think about this; There is nothing neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so.
So you believe what I believe - that's a relief. The secret of happiness is not getting what you like, it's liking what you get.
So right you are, Letty. And, of course, "so" made me think of So In Love, from Porter's Kiss Me Kate, that take-off on Shakespeare's play about taming a shrew.
Get that, will you. I've been pipped again by Clary because she is just too swift.
swift are the sandals of hermes as he delivers your life to the gods.(mine)
Gods! what unholy heaven do you tend, where each holy step brings one closer Hell?
Hell, it is becoming literary again. Have you read any good books lately?
Lately is a difficult one to start off on. (Off on?) I could start with Nicely Nicely.
Lately I have seen, that all the world is green
And Mother Nature wears her newest gown
Troubles there are
So much rarer
Out of town......
Nicely does it, McT. And how are you this braw bricht nicht?
Lately, I find myself gazing at stars. Nicely, nicely is a character in Guys and Dolls.
Nichtraucher is the right kind of carriage to board on the Bundesbahn, the German Railway. On those, may not gesmoked be.
Nicht , means night and, while gazing at stars, Letty was pipped again by Clary. I was thinking about dolls, the kind you stick pins into, and do do that Voodoo that you do to me.
Be aware of all restrictions on railways, it helps keep you in your place. I remember standing in the doorway of a Nie Blankes carriage in South Africa and being told off.
Me be dolls? Here Be Dragons, which the old cartographers were fond of writing with quill pens and old-fashioned ink on goatskin vellum; you just can't get it these days, not like you used to.
Off goes Clary on the set of broken rules.
(and just who was it that chastized me on keeping pace?)
To clarify, rules are meant to be broken, but Letty, I was pipped by McTagg and Clary did the right thing. We have to pick up speed because enough of this pippety-poppety- pooin', I say.