Nearby trees seem to have lost their charm on the koala. He's googling too much these days and all set to jump to this side of the globe. :wink:
Globetrotting is the hobby of Australian Politicians. Presently our Prime Minister, Mr Rudd, is on 15 day junket which will produce absolutely nothing.
Nothing made my Chinese friend laugh more than the sight of the heavies surrounding the Olympic torch as it bobbed and faltered its way to Downing Street. I hear Australia is not allowing the Chinese heavies to participate in the run.
Run will be a complete riot is being predicted. There will be plenty of heavy cops around though to make sure nothing untoward will happen.
Happen the authorities in China are going to have to say something about it. Or will they ignore it and hope the furore will go away?
Away with the fairies, the lot of them. The olympic ideal was lost about 1936, if not before that, never to be seen again.
Again and again one has to plug the modern virtues of tolerance and equal opportunities, neither of which the ancients reckoned amongst their best aspirations. Man is naturally combative and competitive.
Competitive people have a hard time switching gears and forget that they need to take a break. They can't perform at 100 percent every day without resting.
Resting is what I do best. Along with eating, drinking and playing games.
Games I excel at are dodging the column, passing the buck, and extending the tea-break. I didn't get where I am today by being Mr Busy.
Busy I am but I can spare some time to lurk on A2K. Can that be a problem?
Problem solving forms part of thinking. We do this on a daily basis as problems confront us at the most unexpected times.
Times are difficult here for us. Hubby now, without a job is fixing the yard!
Yard arm is well and truly below the sun, at last. I sure am hanging out for a long, cold gin and tonic!
Tonic for the soul that. Gonna have to stay sober for daytime though!
Though sobriety is preferable in drivers, surgeons, and those operating heavy machinery, it is a poor companion at a party. Let's drink to that!
THAT is the truth! Raising a glass to you from here.
Here and now are very relative. The times zones play havoc with threads.
Threads of silver among the gold? Like the sphinx I'm getting old....Oft this story has been told...My old cheese is full of mould...Never Knowingly Undersold.
Undersold stocks are carefully put away in the storeroom until the twice yearly 'sales'. At least that's what the stores would have us believe.