Done to a turn - now that is a funny expression, perhaps it means that one side is done and now you have to turn it over. I am no cook.
Cook Strait, that's in New Zealand isn't it? Reminds me of the joke about James Cook being the first Yorkshire captain to tour Australia.
Australia uses more energy per person than any other country. Isn't that an interesting statistic?
Statistics of animals prior and now will bring a shock to all. It's time we stoped cruelty to animals for our pleasure and understand that the world ought to be balanced.
Balanced diets must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts and fibre. They must contain these things in the correct proportions.
"Proportions are what Nellie specialises in. Her symmetry is beyond reproach regarding such matters".
Matters of proportions are generally not discussed here. We know size doesn't matter, its what you can do with it that counts.
Counts' wives are called countesses. What are earls' wives called?
Called a Countess lezzles. I found the answer in Burke's book Peerage and Gentry.
gentry was community that enjoyed speial privileges. It's shocking to know that the old caste system is still prevalent at some places.
Places I would love to visit are, Kerala in India and the Moorlands in Devon, England. Both places appear to be extremely beautiful and would more than amply reward my curiosity about them.
"Them Apples" is the name of my brother-in-laws band, believe it or not; a rock and roll sound with a Beatles feel.
Feel means to handle or touch in order to examine, test, or explore some quality. Groping a female falls into that category.
Category A prisoners in England are those who are considered to be highly dangerous to public safety. I think the only justification for prisons these days is public safety - not punishment or rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation of prisoners definitely should be the goal, however so many fall through the cracks in a system that is overloaded and not staffed by enough wardens, etc. who don't care or who just don't seem to have the time or the resources; A sad but true fact of our penal systems.
Systems can be man-made or are natural. Man-made systems normally have a certain objective, natural systems may not have an apparent objective but they are sustainable, efficient and resilient.
resilient as seasoned hickory is a phrase used to tell how quickly one rebounds back. People with a positive attitude are bound to get back to normal life more quickly.
Quickly resolving conflicts peacefully requiries patience and understanding. Always keep in mind, how can I assert my own rights without creating another incident.
Incident is a word used by police, governments etc to disguise bloody mayhem. It is used by the Chinese Government of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Massacre and atrocities of World War II are numerous. Any war must be categorized as an atrocity but the war that Hitler started brought a scale of atrocity never previously known.