Inferior results are usually the result of inferior efforts. We should live each day as fully as we possibly can.
Can totally agree with living it upto the hilt. Never forget life in total is only a short journey.
Journey into the wilderness is real fun. No music, no chatting - just listen to the birds and the rustling leaves.
Leaves are the food making factories of green plants. They come in many different shapes and sizes.
Sizes seldom matter. But when it comes to being in shape you have to take care of them.
Them was a Northern Irish band formed in Belfast in April 1964, best known for the garage rock standard "Gloria" and launching singer Van Morrison's career. The group was marketed in the US as part of the British Invasion.
Invasion was the sole aim of many rulers in the past. It helped nothing but bloodshed.
Bloodshed is a poetic term for widespread slaughter or destruction of life.
"Blood Shed", is also a song by the Screaming Jets from their 1994 album.
Album of an artist or group consists of a number of songs that the artists of the group have written or sung. i wonder whether "shes more than a woman" by billy joel is from some album
Album or record album is a collection of related audio or music tracks distributed to the public. The tracks on an album may be related by subject, mood or sound, and may even be designed to express a unified message or tell a story.
story telling is something that all grand parents love to do. And sure it has an impact of its own on the children
Children or "ankle biters" as we call them downunder are fun to be around with. Their antics keeps you on your toes at all times.
Time is such a good healer. Come what problems ye have, time has a way to soothe it.
It, is a difficult word to start a sentence with, have you ever considered that. Next time don't make it so difficult please.
Please is a lovely word to show courtesy. Pleasing are people who play with words.
Words cannot describe how pleased I feel after that courteous reply. You certainly have a way with words, haven't you.
You too sire. Words have always lured me and hence the name.
Name your price is often heard. What is yours?
Yours truly is one way of signing off. Wonder whether its bed time there.
There is now way I'm going to bed yet. Don't you think 10pm is far to early?