The lie and satanic demon powers have been deceiving people through the whole history of mankind. These evil powers have influenced the stories from the false messiahs, that the people would reject the real Messiah, who is the Lord Jesus.
Zeitgeist movie says that Horus (Egyptian god) was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri. The movie says that the birth of Horus was accompanied by a star in the east, and upon his birth, he was adored by three kings. The movie says that at the age of 30 Horus was baptized. The movie says that Horus was known by many names such as the truth, the light, god's anointed son, the good shepherd and the lamb of god. The movie says that Typhos betrayed Horus, and Horus was crucified, buried for three days and resurrected.
Zeitgeist movie tries to make as empty believing to the Lord Jesus taught by the Bible. However, Zeitgeist movie doesn't manage to success in it. In the matter of fact, Egyptian Horus god is a legend and not true. Legend says that Hathor (queen of the heaven) bore son (Horus) to the sun god Ra. Another legend says that Isis awaken Osiris from the dead by magic powers and Isis came to pregnant and bore Horus. According to Egyptian mythology Horus was born October or November. In the mythology of Egypt have not told that Horus would die, and neither, there can't be any crucifixion. Maker of Zeitgeist movie is guilty of the complete lie. Where he has been distorted mythology of Egypt, that it would look as the Bible has been copied the story of Jesus from the mythology of Egypt. Zeitgeist movie's narration about legend of Horus is false.
Zeitgeist movie says that Attis of Phrygia was born of virgin Nana on December 25th. The movie says that Attis was crucified and placed a tomb and after three days was resurrected.
Some other people have this kind of claims: Attis was saviour of the world; worshippers of Attis ate his body as bread; Attis was the divine son and the father; Attis was crucified on black friday on a tree, from which his blood ran down to redeem the earth.
Herodotus wrote about Attis, and said that he was as a shepherd in Phrygia. Attis was son of the king of Phrygia. Herodotus doesn't tell that Attis was born on December 25th. Herodotus doesn't tell that Attis was born of virgin. Attis wasn't saviour of the world. Attis died under the tree, not as crucified. The blood ran down from Attis when he died, and according to legends from his blood was born flowers. One legend says that Cybele's father killed Attis and body of Attis was never seen or found. There are also many other legends from the death of Attis.
Zeitgeist movie's story about Attis has been made falsely, that it would look like Christians would have copied Jesus of the Bible from Attis.
Zeitgeist movie says that Khrisna of India was born of virgin Deviaki. The movie says that a star in the east was signaling the birth of Khrisna. The movie says that Khrisna was resurrected after his death. Some other people believe and teach that Khrisna was born on December 25th.
One legend says that Khrisna was born on August and other says that he was born on July 19th. There are at least two legends from his birth; other says that he was an eighth child of Deviaki and another legend says that he was born of virgin. There are many stories from the death of Khrisna; he was shot in the foot with an arrow when he was under a tree; he was suspended to the branches of a tree by his murderer; he perished on a tree, when the stroke of an arrow nailed him on a tree.
Zeitgeist movie tells falsely the death of Khrisna that it would look like that Christians would have copied the story of the Bible from Khrisna. Legend says that Khrisna wasn't born on December 25th. Zeitgeist movie makes complete lies and deceives people by erroneous information.
Zeitgeist movie says that Dionysus of Greece born of a virgin on December 25th. The movie says that Dionysus resurrected after his death.
Legend says that birth of Dionysus was celebrated on January 6th. Legend doesn't tell that Dionysus was born of virgin. Unofficial story tells that when Dionysus was infant Titans attacked and ate everything, but not his heart. Zeus destroyed the Titans and restores Dionysus from the remaining heart. Legend says that Dionysus is a god who renews himself and returns every year rejuvenated.
Zeitgeist movie tells falsely from Dionysus, that it would look like that Jesus of the Bible would be copied from Dionysus