I agree about the big city hospital, preferably one that has a number of clinics, like a university medical school hospital, but really any good hospital. Do you live in the United States? Not that you have to say where you live exactly, but it might help bring up some ideas re places to get seen.
My own local university hospital has 60 outpatient clinics. I guess I'd go to the family health clinic first, but that may be quite booked up. Maybe just telling the the family health clinic operator, or main clinic phone operator, at such a hospital what is going on might help you get him seen for consultation faster. Don't let them put you off for a long time, tell whoever it is about his weight loss and lumps and so on.
Or, I'd call an internal medical specialist listed at such a hospital or listed in the phone book, for a consultation. If you can't afford continued care by that doctor's practice, after a consultation, they can likely refer you.
This is just opinion, I'm not an m.d., and even if I were, your father needs to be seen by an appropriate local m.d.