Sat 27 Sep, 2014 08:00 am
I'm having a problem with my dissertation.
My research is about comparative of two fast foods.
I have 5 factors, 1st factor consists of 8 variables, 2nd, 3rd and 4th consists of 3 variables, and 2 variables for 5th factor.
Total of 19 variables/questions.
I have dissected my data, results of survey according to age, gender, year level and schools. My respondents are students whose customer of both fastfood.
my question is, how to know if there's a significance between the two establishment according to age, gender, year level and school.
I've tried using regression analysis, dependent variable is Gender then independent variable are the overall satisfaction of my respondents in the two fast food.
SPSS gave me the sig. of gender and fastfood 1; fastfood 2 and gender.
my null hypothesis is to know if there's a significant difference between the 2 fasfoods in terms of gender, age, year level and school.
btw, I know that my data is ordinal because I used likert scale. also checked if my data is normally distributed, it's not. so non-parametric.
I'm new to spss. been using it for a week now. can someone help me? Thanks!