McGentrix wrote:
...we do have a lot of fast food restaurants, (But to be fair, so does Canada) and we do have a lot fat people on their scooters. The land of largesse, if you will.
You mispelled "large asses."
German, there's a grain of truth to your description of the US, but remember that if TV shows portrayed reality, they'd be boring.
I have a quick question about Germany, if you don't mind. There's a German professor whom I've befriended. When we talk, he always stands about 6 inches (about half a liter) in front of me, face-to-face. Americans give each other a lot more personal space than that. As a result, during the conversation I'm slowly backing up, while he slowly follows me. During a long conversation, I will often complete a full backwards lap around the parking lot or a couple around the room. Is this just him or do Germans generally get that close to talk?