If anyone needed an NFL player getting kicked out of the league to realize punching a women in the face is unacceptable...
@Finn dAbuzz,
I'm not rising to the bait bro....
No bait. You made the first comment and I replied. I'm OK leaving it there.
This thread is for fun.
We got off to a bit of rocky start, going 5-16 in the Thursday game.
We are unanimous in picking Seattle over San Diego and Denver vs Kansas City. Only Rhys selects Chicago against San Francisco while Jauman is alone is choosing the Jets at Green Bay.
Indianapolis gets 12 votes and Philadelphia attracts 9 of us. It is the lone tossup this week.
The majority agrees on 80% of our picks vs 72% in week 1.
LiontamerX thinks like the herd on every game, followed by JohnBoy who is out of step on just one.
At the other extreme is Jauman. He disagrees from the majority on 7 matches. Finn is right behind at 6.
I so don't remember liontamer as herd in general, guffawing, but maybe in this case.
This year, for the 2nd season, I am going to try to see if I can organize us into teams: 21 players divided into 5 teams.
I thought about arranging us by height. I abandoned that, however, since I have met only 7 of you.
I settled on the (much hated by me) alphabetical order of names.
In week 1, the team that includes Cowdoc and Coastalrat is off to a strong start although they were weighed down by a bad effort by AndyD.
Wouldn't it be 7 teams of 3? I was always pretty good at math, but with all this talk about new math and different ways of figuring things, maybe I'm wrong.
Man, are the Houston Texans putting an old fashioned arse-kicking on the Fraiders!
The refs felt sorry for the Raiders and gave them a pass interference that led to them making a touchdown. Did you notice that David Carr and Matt Shaub are Raiders instead of Texans.
I did. Pretty ironic, eh? Did you mean Derek Carr? (Brother of the older Carr.)
I also noticed JJ Watt caught a TD when he lined up at TE. He is starting to look like a steal at $100 M!
I get those Carrs mixed up. If Clowney comes back and lives up to his billing, the Texans defense will truly be awesome. As for Watt, I think his popularity around here exceeds even Earl Campbell, in his heyday.
Wow! That's saying something, I understand. I recently saw a documentary program on Earl...perhaps it was 30-30. He was an amazing player and is an amazing man and a true survivor. I remember him with old Oilers back when Bum was coach.
Earl is still with us. Sadly, Bum and the Oilers owner, Bud Adams have passed away.
yeah, that documentary showed him at present. amazing recovery considering all of his health issues. I really liked Bum back in the day. he was an original.
Did you see San Francisco's first touchdown. They should have had delay of game.
nope, I missed it. I hope to see the replay on Espn's coverage.
Well, there's a fine pickle. I thought I had emailed everything from my home to my work computer, but it appears I did not. So I cannot be 100% sure the following is accurate. But Mz CowDoc and CoastalRat are tied with 10 wins. She has Philly tonight while I have Indy. Seems to me that with the Chicago win last night, someone else tied us, but I won't know until I get home tonight.