Sun 23 May, 2004 08:52 pm
What is a typical per square foot price for room additions in the US? I'm trying to compare this to the square meter price quoted here of $129.
last i heard here it was $100 psf for a weather tight frame. you have to add from there depending on how you want to finish the inside.
MIKEY! Long time, no see.
Columbia sounds lika a bargain, then. I treat meters and yards as the same animal, so that works out to around $900.00 Per meter.
$900 per meter Yikes! What's different in Colombia is labor cost. The minimum wage here is about eighty-five cents an hour.
hey roger, how goes it? i've been away a few months. good to see you.
Ok so the national average in the US is $740 per sq. meter vs. my quote of $129 in Colombia and my wife thinks that price is outrageous.
It might be...if the minimum wage is $.85 an hour. The only comparison I can think of for the 2 economies is the price of the Big
I had forgotten about the
Big Mac Index.