Though this thread has digressed quite a bit from beards (damn, dlowan, u r infectious), to troops and a lone woman

I think I need to put in my two bits here !!
I am not a very big fan of men with beards/goatees/taches - in my entire life, I have been out with 2 men only who had any kind of facial hair - it sorts of tickles when u errrr.umm...kiss and I don't like it very much !!
Having said that, I had a tache for a long time (it was *the* macho thing in India when I was a teenager), but then I shaved it off a few years ago. I worked in a department of 7 people and I was the only male, so having a tache was sort of out of place
After going clean shaven for a while, I have now grown a "spot beard" - some people call it a soul patch - a small tuft of hair just below my lower lip. I always get extereme reactions - either people absolutely love it, or absolutely hate it !!
But it did make me very popular in Prague though