O.K., now I have finally become a full-fledged exhibitionist. I'm having 8 (16 X 20) acrylic-on-canvas paintings shown in a small local gallery. I pay a small monthly rent and give them a small commission on each sale. I don't expect to sell anything, but I do want to make room at home and in my studio for future works. My next effort will be to hang some larger paintings in a very popular book store, lots of traffic there, and no rental fee, but a higher commission. That will be a thrill.
Have a wonderful time at this, JL.
Good for you and us JLN everyone should have the joy of viewing you paintings and the choice to buy or not.
JLNobody wrote:O.K., now I have finally become a full-fledged exhibitionist. I'm having 8 (16 X 20) acrylic-on-canvas paintings shown in a small local gallery. I pay a small monthly rent and give them a small commission on each sale. I don't expect to sell anything, but I do want to make room at home and in my studio for future works. My next effort will be to hang some larger paintings in a very popular book store, lots of traffic there, and no rental fee, but a higher commission. That will be a thrill.
great! and I'll be surprised if you don't sell
Wow, it's almost a year later, and I'm finally putting up the paintings in that popular bookstore--the day after tomorrw. There will be a reception on June 13 at night (with refreshments, imagine that!). I think I've overpriced most of the paintingts (about 13 altogether), but if they don't sell I don't care. I just want people to see and comment on them. What an ego trip; and I claim to be a buddhist.
enjoy it - and good luck!
will you take some photos and post them here?
Looking forward to your enjoyment of the exhibit, JL..
ah, JL. the id; the ego; and the super ego: I do believe there's a cathexsis somewhere in there. Put a ridiculous price on each one and then dilettantes will die for them.
In other words, Wonderful!
Wow, I'm so glad this thread turned up again because I missed it the first time. Great to see your work. I think I liked the bull's skull the best but all of them are very impressive.
Good luck, JLN, & have fun at the opening!
I agree with Miss Letty, just wonderful JLN!
Your color scheme is so vibrant and positive and bold.
You are very talented, so don't sell yourself short.
Thanks, guys. What a great supportive bunch.
I said it early on and I repeat it, "He's tremendously talented." I would be proud to hang any one of them on my wall.
Ah, edgar. Glad that you recognized once more the beauty of art.
tell us more about the show and the reception/comments etc?
Yes please, JN, we would love to hear how it went.
(he said the reception is June 13th...)