Do I audition even if it includes nudity?

Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2014 12:24 pm
I'm 24 and I'm living in LA and trying to make it as an actress full time. I've been in several commercials, had one TINY non speaking part in one SMALL hollywood film, and have had small parts in a few short films by student directors. I've also had stage parts. So its going "OK" at best.

A friend of a friend knows the casting director for a major independent film by a major director, and she got me an audition (and a really high % shot at) for a bit part in this movie. Far from a HUGE part, but I would have multiple speaking lines, my name would appear in the credits, and I'd likely make it on screen for 2-3 scenes lasting a total of a couple of minutes). A HUGE chance/opportunity.

The catch? The scene would require full frontal nudity. I've never had to be naked in acting before. I know it can come with the territory, but it doesn't always "have" to. And full-frontal nudity, and prolonged nudity (I'll be nude for almost an entire scene) is a particularly scary way to get started. I have read the script and the scene/nudity does “fit”, and I don’t find it exploitive. But it still scares me.

The first audition went well and I just got contacted for a callback, but I’m nervous and ambivalent. My friend is pulling big favors to get me the inside tract, so if I'm going to say no, I need to say no now (before I go for the callback). Also, the callback includes a body check which I know nothing about what that is but it sounds scary.
Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2014 01:11 pm
If it goes against your values then you have a choice to make. Is the benefit to your career worth taking a hit to your values?

Some things to consider:

Once done, it will always be around to follow you whatever you do in acting or other careers. Are you comfortable with that?

Are you comfortable knowing that your family, friends and future co-workers may see it?

Will you be able to hold your head high and proudly point to your name in the credits as it flashes by for less than a second?

Can you further your career without doing it?

Do many other beginning actresses do nudity roles that are not porn videos? Did it help or hurt their career?

The body check probably means you will be removing your clothes so they can check how photogenic your body is and how comfortable/uncomfortable you are in doing so.
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 11:13 am
Thanks for your answer last night. You asked questions back of me and I wanted to answer them in case it helped you with your advice:

If it goes against your values then you have a choice to make. Is the benefit to your career worth taking a hit to your values?
It doesn't go against my values. It fits the part and isn't exploitive and is a serious movie. The three things that make it, for me, not immoral.
Some things to consider:

Once done, it will always be around to follow you whatever you do in acting or other careers. Are you comfortable with that?
No. lol. That scares the crud out of me. Wouldnt it you? Doesnt mean I can't face that, but it scares me.

Are you comfortable knowing that your family, friends and future co-workers may see it?
Comfortable is a big word lol. I wouldn't be ASHAMED (see what I said above about morals) but "comfortable"? Heck no. lol

Will you be able to hold your head high and proudly point to your name in the credits as it flashes by for less than a second?
Yes. Without a doubt.

Can you further your career without doing it?
Maybe. Hard to say. Certainly no current offer as big as this one.
Do many other beginning actresses do nudity roles that are not porn videos? Did it help or hurt their career?
Others have. Some have gone on to do great things, others not. It seems most only get hurt by the nudity directly if they do too many parts where the nudity is frivolous/exploitive

The body check probably means you will be removing your clothes so they can check how photogenic your body is and how comfortable/uncomfortable you are in doing so.
Yikes. That is scary. Will there be many people there?
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 11:32 am
What does your agent say about this role?
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 11:33 am
Really good part/director/chance, but that only I can answer about the nudity. She did say that if I'm not ready to do it, I shouldn't go to the callback. That I need to get out if I'm not in so to speak
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 01:32 pm
Good agent. I can't even offer an opinion. Use Bfn's questions for background.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 01:48 pm
I answer as someone whose immediate and larger family was thick in the movie industry long ago, though not myself (I considered being a film editor and sort of sorry I didn't go for it). I'm an older woman, so all those family people .. it makes me wonder what they'd have said and which one would have said what.

I think Butrfly asked great questions and I get your answers. I get your qualms.
I also can imagine not having qualms stopping me in 2014, if this group is so well regarded and the script is actually interesting and doesn't put you off - but of course there is a history of casting couch worries for the length of the industry history. (Not my family, most of those were accountants..)

I also have an ear re who you say you are dealing with, and that appears to be a plus. I might go for it if I were you now, but that's a fantasy I, as I'm no actress (well, commercials as a kid) wouldn't ever have faced. So I can see doing it, with head high, but you know it is you who has to have quite a talk with yourself.

However you decide, I'm wishing you luck.

Adds, you might not get the part, of course, or you might. The experience might be (what word?) a considered step.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 01:52 pm
It ain't easy becoming an actress who actually gets paid, Stacy.

This will almost certainly not be the most difficult decision you are going to have to deal with in order to make it in the entertainment business.

If you cannot do it...you might want to think about nursing or teaching.

Said another way: It will be uncomfortable...but it is one of those shots that comes along once in a rare while. If you want to just pass it by...pass it by. But that is not the way to make it!

(I had a scene in a movie (few short lines) where I was one of the only ones with my clothes on. The director did not have the set closed. Mostly, the director will close the set to everyone except essential people during a nude scene.)
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 02:16 pm
Stacy said: I'll be nude for almost an entire scene

Go for it, many famous actresses started out doing stuff like that.
Just make sure there are plenty of studio heaters around if it's shot in winter..Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 02:22 pm
Standing in for Setanta today is Chai Tea....


Pictures! We need pictures!
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Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2014 02:32 pm
Look who is doing "50 shades of grey" - the daughter of Melanie Griffith!
She has not had any roles (to my knowledge) before and now she took a role that is going to be very explosive, to say the least. Nudity alone isn't one of her problems I guess. Looking at the trailer, I am almost certain that her acting is mediocre.

If the film incorporates nudity and it's not a porn, this could be your ticket to something better and bigger. As an actor you cannot afford to have any hang-ups, especially since only 10 % of all actors are really working....
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Reply Wed 6 Aug, 2014 02:13 pm
The more I consider this the more I think I have to just go for it.

But does anybody know more about the body check? How does it go down? Is the room crowded? How will I know when it's time....? Do I get full nude? I really know nothing about the body check and meanwhile my agent left today for vacation (which she deserves, but bad timing!!!!)
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 6 Aug, 2014 02:52 pm
Stacy said: The first audition went well and I just got contacted for a callback, ...the callback includes a body check which I know nothing about what that is but it sounds scary

I don't know what a body check is, so give them a call and ask them what it is exactly. If you don't like what they tell you, scream down the phone "You bunch of pervs, goodbye!" and hang up..Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 08:32 am
So I got the full scoop from my agent. A body check is just as scary as it sounds. During the callback audition, at a certain point, they'll basically ask me to strip down. The casting directors and casting assistants will be there, potentially the director, and one person from cinematography. Basically the purpose is less to check out my body (though that is part of it) but more to see how "comfortable" I look with the nudity. ........ SCARY

Anyone have any advice on what I can do to grow some major confidence in a few hours time?!?! haha

I'm not massively modest, I shower at the gym (and my gym is open showers), I have two female roommates and grew up with two sisters, etc. But, to be frank, no man has ever actually seen me nude (outside of immediate family), so I have the jitters.....and I need to lose them fast.

Also, any idea on how to make my medium to slightly small size boobs grow in a few hours? (haha, that was a joke).
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 08:56 am
Thanks for the update. I didn't respond since I'd no idea how the body check is done. Way safer than what one hears of the process in the olden days. It might be that the jitters just leave by themselves as the process seems professional, matter of fact-ual.

I once had passed a big national exam in my design field and had to have an interview with our state board, three or four people asking me stuff. I lost body temperature in the waiting room, actually was physically cold from apprehension. Went into the interview with a 'what the hell, I'll try' mode (that of course didn't include taking clothes off but was scary in other ways as lots of people I knew failed to pass and had to do it again months later) - and I relaxed in seconds, stopped being afraid. Sort of 'here I am', ask me something!

Not that that's in any way equivalent, but the jitters business might be similar.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 09:49 am
Stacy said: During the callback audition, at a certain point, they'll basically ask me to strip down..Basically the purpose is less to check out my body (though that is part of it) but more to see how "comfortable" I look with the nudity. ........ SCARY

Well from their point of view they HAVE to check you out to make sure you'll look good and confident on camera, so regard it as something like a screen test.
They might take pictures of you, so be prepared for that, but if they start touching you, walk out.
Are they a proper film-making outfit with a proper office and studio?
Or are they just a few guys with a camera who make cheap porn films at somebody's house?
If I were you I'd take a male pal along to sit in at the audition. If they won't allow that, don't go.
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 09:52 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo---It's definately a legit operation with legit studio and legit equipment. This isn't a major "Hollywood" film, but it is a real indie film with a real director, cast, and expected release.
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Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 09:58 am
Thanks for the encouragement ossobuco!!
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Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 10:02 am
Shy people do not make it in that business, Stacy.

Get it all together right now, because this sounds like a chance that comes one in a thousand.

Make the most of it.

Be confident..look anyone who is looking at you smack dab in the eye...without a smile, but with a hint of a smile. You want to be thinking: I know something that guy doesn't know.

By the way...some of the sexiest women I've ever known had small boobs. Do not even consider things like that.
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 10:06 am
@Frank Apisa,
1) Fair enough

2) good advice

3) i was really joking about the boobs Wink

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