Assault Weapon features and what they do.

Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:06 pm
cjhsa: yehp, as well as transportation laws. 4 guns per VEHICLE regardless of the number of people in said vehicle, or it is considered intent to sell criminally/ trafficing. hows that for a law? we also have ammunition limits as well. I think it is 10,000 round here in my state. most states also have ammunition stockpiling laws, but arent as low a count as my state.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:09 pm
Lol. I'm not asking you to incriminate yourself, calm down, sheesh.

You stated that I don't know where criminals get their guns from, implying that you do. I asked you to support your point. You refused to do so.

I assumed you would link to a study, or quote some sort of authority on this issue. Instead, you set YOURSELF up as the authority on this issue, which is not a defensible point in this argument, as I don't think you ARE an authority on gun policies in America. I think you are a gun owner who has his opinions, and while there's nothing wrong with that, you cannot use your own expertise to back up points in an argument with no supporting evidence.

Do you get this incensed all the time when people poke holes in your poorly constructed arguments?

0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:10 pm
Cyfloop: I am the resident troll here now. Best get your skills goin on if you want to surpass me. Smile being vauge with certain things is getting to ya. if you were a proper troll, you would roll with it, not try to turn it around. Smile
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:10 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Saintsfan, Doctors and cars have other purposes than hurting people. Handguns do not.


Well, that's just not true, now is it?
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:12 pm
Well, you see, I am not a troll, at all. I have no desire to surpass you. I'm actually still interested in seeing some support for your side of the argument, if you are interested in continuing.

being vauge with certain things is getting to ya. if you were a proper troll, you would roll with it, not try to turn it around.

This doesn't really make much sense. Can you explain, please?

With only 32 posts, I have a hard time believing you are the 'resident troll.'

0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:12 pm
Yup but even with their other purposes, they have killed more people than handguns.

Oh, and of the 29,573 firearm deaths that happened. Can you tell me exactly how many of those were caused by a handgun? Many deaths are caused by shotguns and rifles but there isn't a good breakdown that I have found that can state definitively whether handguns were the majority of deaths. (by the way, this includes MURDER)

And I have to agree with McGentrix, handguns have other purposes. You might not like them, but they have purposes. I enjoy going to the range and doing target practice. That isn't killing anyone is it?
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Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:12 pm
my statement about illegally obtaining firearms is legal. on the other hand, if i imparted even one person to be empowered by this information, i have committed a federal crime. I ask this:

how many other owners know how to get around the laws NOW? i bet almost all of use serious shooters know, and none will tell you how. I would like to see these loopholes closed. the gunshow loophole is a big one, lack of CCW permits in states is another. you can extrapolate all you want and try to goad me all you like, but that is as far as im going on it.
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Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:15 pm
LIsten. I don't want to know HOW. I don't care what the exact steps are for getting a gun. I don't even want one and I certainly wouldn't want you to incriminate yourself.

What I DO want to see from you are statistics, studies, any sort of empirical evidence that increasing the supply of firearms lowers the rate in which they are used in crimes. So far, you have made several assertions to this fact, but no evidence has been presented to back it up. Until you provide that evidence, your argument is without merit.


0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:20 pm
how about this instead. i can take a few thousand dollars, go somewhere and buy all the handguns i want and then go somewhere else and sell them to anyone i feel like. you want me to go into THAT whole process? I would NEVER even THINK about doing something like that, but it is a lot easier to do than most people think. THAT is how the criminals get thier guns now. They start out as legal purchases. that is what needs fixing. dont tell me that I cant carry a pistol or have assualt weapons because some idiot didnt write the law properly. fix the law that should have been written the right way to begin with. dont make more. that is what I am trying to say here. I will NOT go search out all information I have previously sought out and found on this subject. I will be searching for WEEKS. This information is buried for a reason, whatever it may be.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:20 pm
saintsfanbrian wrote:
As for the obsession for inanimate objects, well what about the car guys? How many people were killed in car accidents? Do we outlaw them? 43,987 people were killed by vehicles. Where is the outrage against that? (source: http://webapp.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/mortrate10_sy.html)

Man, I hate to attack the messenger along with the message, but good lord, that has to be one of the most asinine, stupid arguments I've ever heard in my LIFE.

I'm not going to explain this in detail for you, it would be so much better if you could figure this one out on your own. Here's the difference between a gun and a car:

It "puts holes in things"
What if guns were removed? Less people would put those holes in things.

Used to transport people and goods.
What if cars were removed? The entire economy of this country would collapse.

Actually, as I'm writing this, I can't believe that I'm actually taking the time to explain something like this to another human being who is actually smart enough to work a computer yet somehow is capable of making a "cars v. guns" argument. I give up. I gotta stop now before I totally lose faith in the human race altogether.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:22 pm
If you don't want to find the information, fine with me. Just don't expect anyone to take your assertions seriously, and don't claim you assertions are facts when they are not.

I'm out for the day. Have fun petting your guns tonight.

0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:27 pm
I guess you havent seen those stupid street car videos, huh. those cars are legal, and are used all the time for illegal purposes.

Guns arent made to just shoot people. .22 rimfire for instance. yes, its an assassin's best choice, but ban them because of that? its a damn plinking round. we can argue about this all year.

how about the soccer mom in the winter time in the SUV? even the cops say its a nuisance here. shouldnt there be special classes instated to teach people that buy these vehicles that just because its 4 wheel drive, doesnt mean its going to STOP any faster. same goes for the gun arguement. ignorance is bliss, and can be deadly. taking MY guns will NOT make this country any safer. that is the bottom line. And I will not give them up unless I do something that makes my owning them a threat to people, no matter what anyone says. I dont care if you are insecure that your neighbor owns a firearm. that is thier perrogative. as is your perrogative to not own one.
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Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:27 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
saintsfanbrian wrote:
As for the obsession for inanimate objects, well what about the car guys? How many people were killed in car accidents? Do we outlaw them? 43,987 people were killed by vehicles. Where is the outrage against that? (source: http://webapp.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/mortrate10_sy.html)

Man, I hate to attack the messenger along with the message, but good lord, that has to be one of the most asinine, stupid arguments I've ever heard in my LIFE.

I'm not going to explain this in detail for you, it would be so much better if you could figure this one out on your own. Here's the difference between a gun and a car:

It "puts holes in things"
What if guns were removed? Less people would put those holes in things.

Used to transport people and goods.
What if cars were removed? The entire economy of this country would collapse.

Actually, as I'm writing this, I can't believe that I'm actually taking the time to explain something like this to another human being who is actually smart enough to work a computer yet somehow is capable of making a "cars v. guns" argument. I give up. I gotta stop now before I totally lose faith in the human race altogether.

I think you are missing the point. Both are tools. When misused, they can kill people. I think it obvious that gun is not a car, the comparison is a just that, a comparison.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:46 pm
McG - I understand that but Cyclops thinks that I am not smart enought to realize it since I am a hick gun owner.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:53 pm
Bvamp, McG, please... just stop. Please. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 03:16 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
saintsfanbrian wrote:
As for the obsession for inanimate objects, well what about the car guys? How many people were killed in car accidents? Do we outlaw them? 43,987 people were killed by vehicles. Where is the outrage against that? (source: http://webapp.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/mortrate10_sy.html)

Man, I hate to attack the messenger along with the message, but good lord, that has to be one of the most asinine, stupid arguments I've ever heard in my LIFE.

I'm not going to explain this in detail for you, it would be so much better if you could figure this one out on your own. Here's the difference between a gun and a car:

It "puts holes in things"
What if guns were removed? Less people would put those holes in things.

Used to transport people and goods.
What if cars were removed? The entire economy of this country would collapse.

Actually, as I'm writing this, I can't believe that I'm actually taking the time to explain something like this to another human being who is actually smart enough to work a computer yet somehow is capable of making a "cars v. guns" argument. I give up. I gotta stop now before I totally lose faith in the human race altogether.

I can't believe you tried. The entire economy of this country would not come to a halt if we got rid of cars. People would still be able to get to work and goods would still be transported by the trucks, planes and trains that actually transport goods. I don't know of too many people other than Take Out Delivery drivers that use their cars to transport goods. Cars are still a luxury. Many people get up and go to work and come home with out ever stepping inside of a car. Ever hear of Buses, Bicycles, Trains, Subways, El's? The car and more specifically the SUV are bigger nuisances to our society than a little hand gun. More peoples lives are put in danger because of cars than because of guns. Is that hard to understand? I even got the figures for you but you are to important to take the time to look it up. Oh well, enjoy your holier than thou attitude.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 04:04 pm
Justanobserver. no. how does my guns going away *poof* make you more secure. it doesnt. if the man in captivity by the terrorists right now had a gun, you would be damn sure he would have taken at least one of those ppl with him. I would enjoy very much to see these terrorists try this here. In fact, I await the day they do. boo hoo for you when you cannot do a damn thing about it but complain. I will protect my friends, family, and property to the utmost of my ability. there is an emerging trend that you anti-gun people do not wish to address. national security will NOT be found by taking MY guns. I am one of many. I am an American as well as you, and I will take that to my grave if i must do so.
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Tue 15 Jun, 2004 04:48 pm
If it were just guns that killed people, I would be all for the banning of guns. But, as long as people want to kill other people, I want my family protected as well as I can.

Once guns are banned, how long until the liberals start decrying the use of knives? "Think of the children! They are stabbing themselves!"

The hijackers on 9/11 used boxcutters, should we ban them as well? How about airplanes?
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Tue 15 Jun, 2004 07:09 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
Jarlaxle wrote:
As a barrel is used, the rifling wears down, & the pattern changes. Heck, simply running a file down the barrel will change the rifling marks.

Jar, thats not what I was talking about. The identification system didn't go by the rifling. It went by the imprint on the base of the cartrige that was left when the pin strikes the shell and ignites the round. There was a big deal made about it not too long ago how it could have helped out with alot of investigations, but the NRA fought it tooth and nail.

Your love for guns is a little unnerving. When you get the chance, I'd love to hear the story behind it. (And be honest- sometimes you walk around the house with your gun and act out scenarios, dont' you? :wink: )

The extractor marks will also change as the gun wears. I'd expect a few swipes with a file would also change it. I doubt the marks on brass fired last week from my friend's M1911A1 even RESEMBLE the marks on the first rounds it fires in the 1960's.

My reason for liking guns is very simple: I sometimes work late at night, alone, carrying several hundred dollars in cash & sometimes dozens of credit card reciepts. Also, if I call 911, the police are a MINIMUM of 20 minutes away...IF nobody called in sick, IF they find the house on the first try (hardly a certain thing), IF the patrol is nearby. If I call 911 & pizza delivery, I'll be able to feed whoever shows up.

The last line of your post does not deserve the dignity of a response.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2004 07:24 pm
a swipe with a file is obvious, and regardless if you have committed a crime or not, you just did a 10 year felonious act....say what you want, there is a hard law on that ALREADY
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