Assault Weapon features and what they do.

Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:26 am
What the heck are those underlined links in my posts above? I didn't put those in there. Grrr!
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Craven de Kere
Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:26 am
Whatever it is, it's something special. I betcha you've posted pictures of Ted close to 10 times already. You know he's like a mascot already. ;-)
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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:27 am
roger wrote:
Actually, it's a herd immunity kind of thing. You carry: I don't. As long as the crooks know I might be, I share in your immunity.

This is very true. Count your blessings.
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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:29 am
Craven de Kere wrote:
Whatever it is, it's something special. I betcha you've posted pictures of Ted close to 10 times already. You know he's like a mascot already. ;-)

I could've chosen much worse.
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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:29 am
By carrying around a firearms, I may be protecting my "fragile ego" but I also have the power to protect myself and my family. I don't have to rely on the police or the army, or anyone else for that matter.

As for looking at it from the other guys perspective. IF I am pointing my Beretta at some one, I don't want them to feel safe, I want them to feel lead. You don't pull your gun unless you intend to use it. It's not like the police who pull theirs out and yell stop or I will shoot. You pull it out to stop a threat.

There are rules that law abiding citizens have to follow before they shoot someone. You are the one that determines which rules apply and whether or not you are justified. Not to mention, if I do use my gun on another human being, I WILL be arrested. I will be placed in the back of a squad car and I will be taken to the police station (unless there are many many witnesses around.) I will have my attorney present and only then will it be determined if the decision I made was the right one. I still say that it is better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6.

You can call me delusional all you want, your words really don't hurt me (sticks and stones and all that,) but it boils down to the fact that I have the ability to own and carry a firearm and I will do so.

Cyclopticorn, if you don't want to carry a gun around, that's fine with me. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with people thinking that their rights are more important than mine. This goes for most things in this country. We have started down a slippery slope of removing your freedoms and it doesn't look as if it is going to end any time soon. Incase you haven't noticed, in the last 30 years, many things that were once legal (or that there were no laws against) have become illegal. Wearing a seatbelt or a helmet for example. It is illegal to not wear your seatbelt in a car or a helmet on a motor cycle. Who does that affect?

You do not have the right to say anything you dang well please at work or in public in general. You might offend some one and they will sue you. Smokers don't have the right to smoke at work anymore. You used to be able to sit at your desk and light up a cigarette. Now if you work for a large company you have to go outside into a little shack (if they even have one) and smoke there regardless of the weather.

Heck, these days, it isn't some ones fault because they are fat. It's McDonald's or Wendy's or any of another of restaurant or grocery stores fault.

It's the gun manufacturers fault that Fred was killed while he robbed a house by its owner. Why isn't it Fords fault that my sister was involved in 2 accidents?

Take responsibility for your own actions, and hold those who commit crimes responsibile for their actions under the laws that are on the books already. New laws are not the answer. They are the problem.
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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:38 am
It seems to me that by INCREASING the supply of handguns available, you INCREASE the number that are available to crooks.

By DECREASING that number, you DECREASE The number available to crooks. Would you ever be able to stamp them out completely? Probably not, though we really could make a go at it.

I don't buy the argument that 'the criminals would be able to get pistols anyways.' SOME would, most would not. Less people out there with a gun to threaten you = less need for you to own a gun. In England, where handguns are not allowed (but rifles are), the amount of handguns used in crimes is much lower than in the US, it's not a complicated idea.

What I really think though, is this: the people who currently have these guns don't want to give them up, because they like the feeling of security it gives them. They need that feeling to feel okay. So they will find whatever rationale they can to keep them.

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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 12:11 pm
It's not just a sense of security Cyclops. Some people just like guns. Is that difficult to understand? I don't think it is but hey I am not a person bent on removing all handguns from society.

I have yet to understand the rationale for banning them. Look what banning alcohol did in the 20's and 30's. It led to underground establishments and bath tub gin. I would much rather people be able to purchase quality working hand guns then ones made by Bubba Joe Bob in his basement. Ever heard of a Zip Gun - very common among gangs in New York. Basically a pipe that a bullet will fit in to, a stick of some sort and a trigger mechanism. The actual workings of them are not very sophistacated and you can purchase the supplies at the local hardware store. So would you rather that I do that?

You STILL haven't answered my questions about your heros of the antigun stance that legally own guns and permits to carry them. Why is it okay for the Congressmen and Women and the Senators who are anti gun to carry them in Washington D.C. when no citizen of that city is allowed to? You can't even purchase bullets for a handgun in D.C. without a license. Heck you have to have a registration for "Personal Defense Spray." But Feinstein has a gun, Sarah Brady has a gun (bought a rifle for their son.) Rosie O'Donnell's body gaurds have guns. Many of your anti gun champions own them, they just don't think that you should have the right to also.

I am sure that Hitler was very happy with the fact that the Jews weren't allowed to own guns. How many of them did he kill?
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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 12:20 pm
Aaaah! Hitler has appeared!
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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 12:23 pm
He's more common than sasquatch on A2K these days...
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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 12:39 pm
Oh - and since crooks are already committing crimes to get their supply of weapons - Why don't we quit letting them out of prison for "good behavior?" Why don't we as citizens insist on mandatory sentences for offenders. Why don't we as citizens insist that said offenders spend the entire time of their sentence in jail. Why don't we as offenders insist on a 3 strikes and your out law. Get convicted of 3 felonies and you forfeit your life on this planet?

The reason criminals continue to commit these crimes is that the punishment is not a deterent. They spend their 1/3 of their sentence in jail working out, watching cable T.V. having Air Conditioning and oh yeah - Better Law Libraries than most law firms.

That really sounds like a deterent. I steal several thousand dollars from some one, claim I have no money, get a lawyer provided by the tax payers and then when I get sentenced to 3 years in jail, know I will only spend 6 months and then be out able to do it again.

And McG - I have seen Hitler likened to GW Bush, Kerry, Liberals and Republicans lately.
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Wed 16 Jun, 2004 01:05 pm
Oh, I know SFB. Bush is compared to Hitler almost every day by BillW...
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 10:52 am
handguns are finding thier way into crminal's hands these days because there are states out there that anyone can buy anything if they have lived there for 90 days. all you need to do is go to arizona, new mexico, or nevada with a local, have them buy it, and hand it to you. I have seen this done, and even though there is a law called "straw purchase" it still goes on daily. If all 50 states made handgunners have CCW permits to even buy them like they have to have here in NY, then the criminal flow would slow quite a lot. but no, those states say no no. you arent passing that law. so now my state passes more laws to make all guns harder to get. what the hell sense does that make? someone tell me please, for I do not know. Then once the crooks cant get handguns nearly as easy as they could, they will switch up to assualt weapons. then thre will be a new barrage of laws in one or two states that will make those impossible to get anymore, then that will go to federal law. then the crooks will go buy shotguns and deer guns and use those. then there will be a few states again that take the lead and screw with the ownership laws of those. then once the crooks cant get THAT anymore, they will start off with the machete thing. come on already. Just fix the damn loopholes and lack of gun control AT ALL in some states, and i will bet there wont be nearly as many guns in the hands of criminals. But I tell ya, banning handguns wont keep them out of anyone's hands but mine. how is that fair to anyone? its not.change the laws to a common set, stiffen gun crimes by 500%, make gun crime time mandatory without parole. taking my rights away will NOT stop the criminals. if a crook is saying, "pssh what are they gonna do if they even catch me? put me in jail for two years? ill be out in 6 months anyway. i could use the time off from dealing cause my competition is getting wind of me anyhow.", then that means the penalties arent stiff enough by FAR. it should be more like, "pssh get that thing away from me yo, you are going to get us both thrown in prison for ten years".

and for the wiseguy comments about walking around with a loaded gun in my house. or working out scenarios or whatever it was....ill say these two things

number one, what business is it of yours what I do in my own home?

number two, who said Im going to play games and use a pistol anyway? you come into my home, il counting on you carrying a pistol, and i have enough firepower to put many holes through you and the two or three walls i put between us so that your weapon is rendered ineffective. he who shoots last winds up dead. I hope the day never comes that i DO have to shoot another human being, but like saints said, id rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

now when I am at work, if i catch people in my work truck stealing my tools, (which happens a lot in my area) im not going to shoot them. I might chase them down and run them over "on accident" but I cant shoot them. Now if they catch me when I have a 8,000$ retainer in my pocket, and want to rob me, someone is leaving in a bodybag. if its me, so be it, because if I lost a large retainer like that, I might as well be dead. Either way, Im not rolling over like you are required by law to do in england now.
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 12:14 pm
No one will respond to that kind of logic. It isn't the criminals fault don't you know. It's societies fault for not giving the criminal more money, a better home, cable tv and 3 square meals a day.
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 12:28 pm
saintsfanbrian wrote:
No one will respond to that kind of logic. It isn't the criminals fault don't you know. It's societies fault for not giving the criminal more money, a better home, cable tv and 3 square meals a day.

Now your just being an ass Rolling Eyes

Trying to explain the situation to a gun lover is like trying to get some one to realize 2+2=4 when they keep insisting otherwise.

I'm done with this thread. go on withyour paranoid lives, seeing boogeymen around every corner. Just don't accidentally shoot your kid by mistaking him for a burglar, or get shot yourself if you ever decide to pull a "Dirty Harry" and pull your piece out next time you percieve a threat.
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 12:30 pm
Sorry, but that is a common "liberal" thinking. It isn't the criminals fault it is societies. It taking a village to raise a child and all.

I have a bucket of sand for you too!
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 12:42 pm
I do count them, cj. I used to carry on the way to work when I lived in Denver. Around here, the herd thing works out pretty well.
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 12:45 pm
It is a proven fact that criminals are less likely to prey uppon people if those same people might be armed. People that aren't get the benefit of the fact that I am.
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 06:59 pm
well, according to these people, you shouldnt be carrying in denver ever. you shouldnt carry anywhere. this logic to me is unfounded, and a severe infringement on my right to protect my own self, and my property. Im not paranoid, Im prepared. I dont know what you are, but it sure isnt prepared, I know that much. Go and give someone your wallet and your ID and all your money/gold cards for all I care.
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 08:26 pm
Nearly everyone will concede your right to protect yourself, Bvamp. Does it not seem a bit odd that many of the same people will deny you the means to do so effectively?
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Thu 17 Jun, 2004 09:03 pm
nobody will deny me a basic human right. man has defended his home since the damn of man. why should today be so different? you mean to tell me that men are THAT civilized now? LOL I hear ya roger. right on
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