Assault Weapon features and what they do.

Tue 18 May, 2004 08:52 pm
Hello people. Ive been a lurker once in awhile here and one thing ive noticed is that even though people have wondered what a assault weapon is and been answered the truth about the weapons hasnt realy been established. What people like the VPC and milliom mom march love to do is scare you with the features that are or can be added to a assault weapon. Im here to let you in on the facts of the features and how unscary they realy are.
Below im going to show you a prime example of complete lies by our lovely lawmakers. This is REP Frankel from PA wants you to belive. He is currentley trying to pass a state assault wepaon ban in PA "though it will never happen" I still would liek to see everyone know whats going on here. Remeber the qouted section is HIS and not to be taken with anything but a grain of salt. Ill post below it.

Assault weapons are commonly equipped with some or all of the following combat features:

A large-capacity ammunition magazine, enabling the shooter to continuously fire dozens of rounds without reloading. Standard hunting rifles are usually equipped with no more than 3 or 4-shot magazines.

A folding stock on a rifle or shotgun, which sacrifices accuracy for concealability and for mobility in close combat.

A pistol grip on a rifle or shotgun, which facilitates firing from the hip, allowing the shooter to spray-fire the weapon. A pistol grip also helps the shooter stabilize the firearm during rapid fire and makes it easier to shoot assault rifles one-handed.

A barrel shroud, which is designed to cool the barrel so the firearm can shoot many rounds in rapid succession without overheating. It also allows the shooter to grasp the barrel area to stabilize the weapon, without incurring serious burns, during rapid fire.

A threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor, which serves no useful sporting purpose. The flash suppressor allows the shooter to remain concealed when shooting at night, an advantage in combat but unnecessary for hunting or sporting purposes. In addition, the flash suppressor is useful for providing stability during rapid fire, helping the shooter maintain control of the firearm.

A threaded barrel designed to accommodate a silencer, which is useful to assassins but clearly has no purpose for sportsmen. Silencers are illegal so there is no legitimate purpose for making it possible to put a silencer on a weapon.

A barrel mount designed to accommodate a bayonet, which obviously serves no sporting purpose.

Now lets break it down

Assault weapons are commonly equipped with some or all of the following combat features:

"""A large-capacity ammunition magazine, enabling the shooter to continuously fire dozens of rounds without reloading. Standard hunting rifles are usually equipped with no more than 3 or 4-shot magazines. """

right off the bat with the "hunting" edge of the story. Nowere does the secodn admendment protect the right to go hunting. Its design was to bear arms . As a matter of fact EVen PA has its own second written that you shall be able to bear arms for personal protection and for protection of state. High cap mags have never been a true issue in crime. A handgun or low cap rifle can be loaded in the matter of seconds.

"""A folding stock on a rifle or shotgun, which sacrifices accuracy for concealability and for mobility in close combat. """"

Hes basicly saying that the only reason for collapsible stocks is purley to commit crime. thats all he wants you to belive. Well these were origionaly military designs. How often do you see pictures of troops with a M-16 shoved down there pants? Folding/collapsable stocks are benificial mainly for storage and transporting. Your not going to have a issue with someone tucking a 3 and a half foot long rifle under there t-shirt trying to rob convinece stores.

"""A pistol grip on a rifle or shotgun, which facilitates firing from the hip, allowing the shooter to spray-fire the weapon. A pistol grip also helps the shooter stabilize the firearm during rapid fire and makes it easier to shoot assault rifles one-handed. """"
This is the most commonly use and lied about feature.The pistol grip has not or ever been for "spraying from the hip" If you feel so inclined to you can fire any gun from the hip. You wont hit anything but hey all the power to ya if you decide to try. The pistol grip is for ergonomics, its comfortable thats all. One handed firing? Ok truthfully it is possible. What are you going to accomplish? probably just alot of spent brass laying on the ground and maybe some self inflicted wounds after about the second round recoiling the weapon into your face. Nothing they say about the pistol grip has any truthfull bearing.

""""A barrel shroud, which is designed to cool the barrel so the firearm can shoot many rounds in rapid succession without overheating. It also allows the shooter to grasp the barrel area to stabilize the weapon, without incurring serious burns, during rapid fire. """""

A barrel shroud absoltuley 100 percent has nothing to do with cooling a gun. A gun with or without a shroud gets retains exactly the same amount of heat. This feature is 100 percent soley so you dont frikkin get burnt on the dang barrel wich trust me happens and sucks! It only takes a few rounds to get a barrel super hot wich is not a big issue except metal retains heat for a long time. Its easy to forget and bump it putting it in the case or realoading. The shroud is simply a great saftey feature and probably should be standard equipment.

""""A threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor, which serves no useful sporting purpose. The flash suppressor allows the shooter to remain concealed when shooting at night, an advantage in combat but unnecessary for hunting or sporting purposes. In addition, the flash suppressor is useful for providing stability during rapid fire, helping the shooter maintain control of the firearm. """

Before i say anythign let me ask you. Do you thinkits even remotley possible to toss a bullet out of the end of a barrel and remove the flame with a 2 inch piece of metal? No its not. Notice thats why its called "suppresor" it absolutley will not hide you at night. Its design is to funnel the flash more foward instead of spreading out blinding you every time you shoot. Basicly its another saftey feature, good for your eyes. Notice again with the "no use for sporting purposes" I guess he would say this though coming from a state that just replealed the helmet law on motorcycles. Apperently safety of any sort is not a issue with him. Last note is the flash suppresor has nothing to do with muzzle stabeilty. If he had any clue whatsoever hed realize thats called a muzzle break or compensator. Ill add that on threaded barrels features cannot be combined. SO in other words you couldnt have a muzzle break and flash suppresor.

"""A threaded barrel designed to accommodate a silencer, which is useful to assassins but clearly has no purpose for sportsmen. Silencers are illegal so there is no legitimate purpose for making it possible to put a silencer on a weapon.""""
Motorcycles,hair dryers,cars,blenders all have somethign in common. They are loud and noise control is a issue. Although designed probably origionaly for covert operations "dunno" i would hope that noise being such a issue you would be ENCOURAGED to use a suppresor "the correct term"
Again this is comeing from a indivdual trying to pass laws that doesnt even knwo the current laws. Suppresors are 100 percent legal in PA. They are covered under the NFA act. you cannot just goto wal-mart and buy one. a decent suppresor is about 800 dollars or so and then you must register and clear it with the BATF for 200 more dollars. This process can take 3 months to a year. I realy dont think PA residents have much to worry about with the suppresor issue.

"""A barrel mount designed to accommodate a bayonet, which obviously serves no sporting purpose.""""
SO can anyone laugh about this more than i can? This is our big plan to stop crime? Stop all though drive by Bayonetings? Do they serve any sporting purpose? nope should we be able to have them, yea. A bayonet is simply a knife, one that attaches to a gun but its still just a knife. Every single person reading this has "most likely" a knife in ther house right now. One way sharper and more dangerous than a bayonet. Just to add it in, most bayonets belive it or not are NOT sharp. Why i dont know i havent looked into it. My best guess would be so you dont accidently cut yourself running with it. The bayonets on my sks's wouldnt cut through cotton.

Im completley amazed that he forgot the "scaryest" feature of them all
sounds scary doesnt it? Well lets cover the details. For the most part we are not talking about the seperate grenade launchers you see on the bottom of m-16's The ones were talking about mainly are a 3 inch or so piece of metal that screws on or is pinned on the end of the barrel. Even though none of these features have any danger attached to them this defiantley would rank the lowest on the charts. """HOW can a grenade laucnher be safe????!?!?!!?" i knwo people are askign that. Simply becuase grenades are not for sale. You cant get them. Even if someone were to get there hands on one chances are they wont fit the rifle becuase of country of origon. Basicly it wont happen. The other part is grenades have to be launched with special blank rounds. FIre one "even a fake grenade" with a live round your going to get hurt. Fire one with a blank round made for movies and the grenade will land at your feet and kill you.

I think i covered it all. Id prefer this topic NOT be a topic for debate only education. Theres plenty of topics to debate in. If Suzy soccermom decides to post here and scream that guns kill and thats all to it i will not reply. I will only reply to honest questions looking for education about the wepaons and there features
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Wed 19 May, 2004 08:54 am
Re: Assault Weapon features and what they do.
ShmodZilla wrote:
"""A pistol grip on a rifle or shotgun, which facilitates firing from the hip, allowing the shooter to spray-fire the weapon. A pistol grip also helps the shooter stabilize the firearm during rapid fire and makes it easier to shoot assault rifles one-handed. """"

This is the most commonly use and lied about feature.The pistol grip has not or ever been for "spraying from the hip" If you feel so inclined to you can fire any gun from the hip. You wont hit anything but hey all the power to ya if you decide to try. The pistol grip is for ergonomics, its comfortable thats all. One handed firing? Ok truthfully it is possible. What are you going to accomplish? probably just alot of spent brass laying on the ground and maybe some self inflicted wounds after about the second round recoiling the weapon into your face. Nothing they say about the pistol grip has any truthfull bearing.

This isn't even the most significant issue with his comment on "pistol grips". Within the firearms world a "pistol grip" has a completely different meaning.

Most people reading "pistol grip" would think of something like this: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ctd_images/product_images/1039/31978.jpg

But a "pistol grip" is the most commen type of stock sold on shotguns and rifles. Outlawing "pistol grips" effectively bans 80% of all long guns currently manufacturered. This is a "pistol grip" on a Crossman BB gun:
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Wed 19 May, 2004 02:31 pm
Thanks for the addition Fishin. Thats the biggest problem with this law is that even the lawmakers dont fully understand there own laws. Many, and i do mean MANY law abiding citizens including a police officer from PA and one from California almost did jailtime for owning rifles that were legal but arrested on wrongful charges. Both cases were finaly dismissed, lots of money and time were lost and all over LEGAL firearms.

After Ten Months, Police Officer is Cleared of Possessing an "Assault Weapon."

Riverside, California. On Monday, April 30, 2001, a Riverside Superior Court Judge dismissed all criminal charges against Steven O`Connor, a Desert Hot Springs Police Officer who had been charged with illegally possessing an unregistered "assault weapon." The "Maadi" rifle was in fact not an unregistered "assault weapon" under California law, but it took ten months and intervention by the California Attorney General`s Office for the District Attorney to realize it.

"This case illustrates how complicated California`s `assault weapons` laws are. Even the police and prosecutors don`t understand them," said Chuck Michel, O`Connor`s attorney. "The sole reason this case took ten months and thousands of dollars in attorney`s fees to resolve is that even the police and the District Attorney`s office - the enforcers of the law - could not distinguish a legal firearm from an illegal `assault weapon`."

O`Connor, who was featured in a nationally broadcast NRA infomercial about problems with California`s firearms laws, was charged with possession of an unregistered "assault weapon" in June 10, 2000. He was relieved of duty and is still fighting to get his job back. The charge was brought under the 1989 "assault weapon" law, which lists "assault weapons" by make and model, even though O`Connor`s gun was not on the list. Although California`s gun control laws are ostensibly not meant to expose law-abiding citizens to the scrutiny, emotional trauma, and expense that Officer O`Connor has endured over the past ten months, their ill-defined terms invite misapplication and continue to lead to these types of wrongful prosecutions. Dozens of other Californians have also been unjustly accused. Officer O`Connor was not the first, and unfortunately will not be the last.

"This is an ideal time to reflect on how `sensible` it is to pass laws that are so ambiguous and complicated that even those charged with the responsibility of enforcing the laws cannot properly interpret how to apply them." Officer O`Connor says. "If this could happen to me, a police officer, it could happen to anyone."
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Wed 19 May, 2004 03:21 pm
Yeah, we were talking about this in the other thread, What is an assault weapon? But I think the pistol grip they're talking about is like the one on the original German "Sturmgewehr" (assault rifle) that is separate from the stock. The M-16/AR-15 looks almost exactly like it except the stock is straight instead of curved. Same pistol grip and everything.

I'll bet the reason they're trying to pass a state ban is that the federal ban is due to expire pretty soon and the lefties are getting all worried that scary looking guns might be purchased legally by their citizens. And that's a frightening thought for a gun-grabber.

ShmodZilla, welcome aboard and thanks for posting. Dive right in - the water's fine!
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Wed 19 May, 2004 03:32 pm
Tarantulas wrote:
Yeah, we were talking about this in the other thread, What is an assault weapon? But I think the pistol grip they're talking about is like the one on the original German "Sturmgewehr" (assault rifle) that is separate from the stock. The M-16/AR-15 looks almost exactly like it except the stock is straight instead of curved. Same pistol grip and everything.

I'll bet the reason they're trying to pass a state ban is that the federal ban is due to expire pretty soon and the lefties are getting all worried that scary looking guns might be purchased legally by their citizens. And that's a frightening thought for a gun-grabber.

ShmodZilla, welcome aboard and thanks for posting. Dive right in - the water's fine!
no subject tarantulas can' t bring around to laying some sort of blame on lefties :wink:
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Wed 19 May, 2004 03:39 pm
Rep. Frankel is a Republican? Shocked
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Wed 9 Jun, 2004 10:04 pm
Hello, I joined this forum just to reply to this topic, as I see much error in statements in it....

1- High cap mags have never been a true issue in crime. A handgun or low cap rifle can be loaded in the matter of seconds.
NOT TRUE BY A LONG SHOT! should be paperwork and a tax stamp. no reason to ban ANYTHING. then only the criminals will have them.

"""A folding stock on a rifle or shotgun, which sacrifices accuracy for concealability and for mobility in close combat. """"

Hes basicly saying that the only reason for collapsible stocks is purley to commit crime. thats all he wants you to belive. Well these were origionaly military designs. How often do you see pictures of troops with a M-16 shoved down there pants? Folding/collapsable stocks are benificial mainly for storage and transporting. Your not going to have a issue with someone tucking a 3 and a half foot long rifle under there t-shirt trying to rob convinece stores

well, you said exactly what the law states. re-read what you said. people DO rob stores or people or homes with folders mainly BECAUSE they are compact and portable. same reason handguns are such a heated debate. Making a weapon smaller by any means allows concealability and much easier close quarter's use of said weapon. should be paperwork and a tax stamp

The pistol grip is for ergonomics, its comfortable thats all. One handed firing? Ok truthfully it is possible. What are you going to accomplish? probably just alot of spent brass laying on the ground and maybe some self inflicted wounds after about the second round recoiling the weapon into your face.

Do you even own a gun? There is a HUGE difference with a pistol grip on a rifle or shotgun. I guess you never heard the term "bump fire" either. It is 100 times easier, if not more, to bump my AK47 with it's pistol grip than it is to bump fire my neighbor's deer gun with a regular stock on it. And yes, I can put the whole clip into a human sized target at 20 yards. As for one handed firing? I can empty just about any rifle, shotgun, whatever with one hand and hit 90% of the time, from my hip or at arm's length. Every modern military rifle does NOT have a pistol grip on it to make the soldier more comfortable....since when do armies care if the grunts are comfy? you are kidding me right? should be paperwork and a tax stamp.

4- barrel shrouds....the only thing i have to say is this: Have you ever shot a deer gun from the hip all day? doubtful. the only thing you are doing when you make a barrel that hot is emptying magazines out of your gun. and there ARE shrouds that DO cool the barrel....should be paperwork and a tax stamp

5- A flash suppressor WILL hide you at night from anyone not immediately in front of you. And yes, there IS such a thing as a muzzle break with a suppressor on it. They make one for your SKS, as a matter of fact....FURTHERMORE, a threaded muzzle allows rapid attachment of other devices. including, but not limited to silencers, grenade laughniching devices, etc etc. should be paperwork and a tax stamp

6- why are bayonets DULL? to make stabbing someone a heck of a lot more PAINFUL. that is not a safety feature. the only thing that matters on a bayonet is the shape of the point and metal composition. should be paperwork and a tax stamp

7- grenade launchers....so you think we should be allowed to have 40mm launchers huh? and by the way, you can get 37mm launchers LEGALLY for just about any type of firearm. you are allowed only to use flares by law through them, but one could pretty easily make anti-personelle rounds out of the spent casings. nasty thought, should be controlled, not banned.

let me also say something about my own self. I am an avid gun enthusiast, and I own a number of assault type weapons. Though I dont think they should be making the stuff ILLEGAL TOTALLY, I DO think the laws should first be better written, second, should allow for ALL of us to own whatever we want through proper paperwork and background checks, and lastly, that the laws not be written by congress, handed to the ATF, and then THEY get to interpret them even farther as to what IS legal and what is NOT legal. These people see all these bad things happening on the TV, and think that it is the guns that do the killing. the criminals will ALWAYS get the guns, and I will BET MONEY that almost none of those criminals that have guns will take a stand locally if there is a major threat or problem in thier community. I on the other hand will use, and intend to use, my right and privaledge of owning firearms as well as that of personal defense of myself and others around me. I mention not ONCE hunting. the firearms laws have zilch to do with hunting. it is people that want to tell others what to do because they dont like what they do. and that very thought gives me flashes of a communist nation. (actually you can own a damn howitser in a lot of those places if you get the paperwork for it)

and by the way....the LA bank robbery shootout we all saw so much about...you all do realise the police stopped those guys by temporarlily SEIZING a local gun store's militaryish weapons and using THOSE guns, which were originally intended to be sold to private CITIZENS....if the cops have better stuff, why ban assault rifles? its the pistols anyway that crooks like to use. make people have concealed carry permits in every state, and the guns wont get on the street anywhere nearly as easy. Also there should be a buy-back program nationwide for guns permanently.

Enough of my dribble anyway.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Jun, 2004 08:25 am
Bravo, Bvamp. Well stated (although I disagree with you on the illegality issue, you were right on the money with everything else).

Anyway, since SchmodZilla has no interest for debate or what have you, I'd just like to say that it was hilarious reading his desperate attempt to justify those features for assault rifles.

Kind of like hearing an "other side of the coin" argument for something so blatantly wrong, that the arguments in favor of it are just comical.

Don't worry, Schmod. I'm not going to even TRY to pull your head out of the sand on this one.
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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 11:39 am
Dont get me wrong, I am 100% all for legalising all guns of all types, but with PROPER BACKGROUND CHECKS AND PAPERWORK! I just want to stress that point here, because there are so many people out there that just dont understand the concept of everyone's right to choose and also everyone's right to bear arms, for whatever reason. If you think these types of weapons will kill your kids, dont keep them in your home.
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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 11:49 am
Nice Glock, btw, Bvamp. And welcome to A2K.
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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 11:55 am
Welcome Bvamp.

I think that gun shows are a real issue that needs to be dealt with.

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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 12:23 pm
I think knife shows are a real issue that needs to be dealt with.
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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 12:24 pm
Ice capades...
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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 12:57 pm

Like the knife shows on late night TV? I almost considered buying 65 knives for 65 dollars the other night, man, I gotta go to bed earlier.

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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 02:54 pm
Well, I have seen at a number of gunshows out west, the private sale of guns, and/or NICS paperwork not being called in. Ive seen gangish looking young men pick out a 9mm handgun, and then the girlfriend not only putting out her credit card, but then also filling out the paperwork, then HANDING the pistol right there to the boyfriend as a gift. Straw purchase if you ask me. Again, there should be 100% legality for guns of all kinds through proper paperwork! Things like that wouldnt happen then.

In some states, knives over a certain length or of a certain type are prohibited to carry on your person. When one purchases these types of knives, the place of origin if it is a registered dealer, they are supposed to, and usually do send a document to your local law enforcement stating that you have purchased said knives. there is paperwork in place already, is what I am saying for that.
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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:24 pm
I was at a gun show, looking at a short stock shotgun. The dealer told me "You like that? Check THIS out!" whereupon he pulls out a short barrel shotty with a pistol grip, light clip, extra rounds holder, etc.

He says to me "This little number fires as fast as you can pull the trigger! You can fire off all the shells before the first empty one hits the ground!"

I remember thinking, "Who in their right mind needs a shotgun that can shoot that fast? And what the hell purpose would that be?"

Right about then was where I started thinking "The less guns allowed, the better".
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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:47 pm
Someone who wants to go to the range and shoot from the hip, that's who. Or just impress their buds.

My old Browning A-5 semi-auto shotgun will shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger too, as long as you use the right shells. I've freaked out experienced hunters with it. It's just well designed.
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Mr Stillwater
Thu 10 Jun, 2004 05:20 pm
In Geuda Springs, Kansas, some folks are taking the right to keep and bear arms quite seriously. The town council recently passed an ordinance requiring every resident to own a firearm.

The right to bear arms?? This sort of fu<king insanity makes the argument redundant. You HAVE to have one.
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Thu 10 Jun, 2004 05:27 pm
I own a semi-automatic clip fed 12 gauge based on the AK47, made in russia on the mil tooling. Everyone that I have let shoot it wants one, INCLUDING the anti-gun people I know that have tried it. Its got nothing to do with the gun, it is who has it in their hands. What do I use it for? I shoot skeet regularly with it. And then I would like to ask this: Isnt this my own private life? Where do people get off telling me that I cant have that because they are afraid of it, or even dont like the noise I make on a Saturday of shooting? If someone is afraid of criminals with guns, they should think about arming themselves so they dont become a helpless victim or even worse, a corpse. My choice is to own one.
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Sat 12 Jun, 2004 09:08 am
cjhsa wrote:
Someone who wants to go to the range and shoot from the hip, that's who. Or just impress their buds.

That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Guess who gets more practical use out of such a weapon? Gang members who want to kill alot of people at once.

But we should take that risk, because some people like to shoot that way and impress their friends. Rolling Eyes
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