Sun 6 Jul, 2014 09:43 pm
Hi everyone,
I just had a few questions about mold clearance. Firstly, I have been using concrobium to kill the mold - it is supposed to work, but doesn't remove the stains. How dangerous is dead mold? Can anything serious happen from being around dead mold for a long period of time?
I noticed that when I would spray the dead mold again it would begin to smell, but not the usual musty smell of mold. Would anyone know the reason behind this?
Also, I didn't use any protective gear when clearing the mold and was around it for a couple of days. Would that amount of exposure be something to be concerned about?
Any info would be greatly appreciated!
I normally use muriatic acid for elimitaing mold. Obviously with precautions. It elliminates the mold and the stain and it is easoly cleanable with water. It had never left any strange odors. Normally i procede to clean again with any common scented liquid cleaner just to add a clean smell.
What concentration of hydrochloric acid do you use.
Well i use common commercial formulas. I think most of them are of 35 or 37 per cent. I never dilute it when i clean mold. I apply them directly leave the acid do the magic for a few minutes and then i rinse alot.
First of all, concrobium is very safe, so you shouldn't have any concerns there, unless you are allergic. Reason, why mold left the stain might be because of the surface. If it is on wood, nothing can be done there.