Fri 14 May, 2004 01:50 pm
Since moving here my wife peels fresh mango and papaya every morning for our breakfast. I am completely addicted to mango now. She also makes juice from:
guanabana, tomate de arbol, mora, curuba, guayaba, maracuya, lulo, papaya, sapote and chantaduro.
Oh, sounds delicious. Both mango and papaya are also very high in potassium and other nutrients. Please explain some of the other fruits mentioned. Some of us sadly may not get them where we live.
hey when i moved to the philippines for college i just had to explore the world of fruit too...haha....we have the same fruit here in the PI too....well, at least i think we do from the way it sounds....we just spell it differently....especially the guanabano....well i like it if its the same thing as guyabano here....they even have a powered TANG flavored drink for it too....i would explain and all but i dont think i could...not my expertise you must
You're a lucky man. All that fruit should make your secretions taste better too...which may make you an even luckier man