That's a painting I don't recognize, like it.. will nose around.
On photobucket, there's some way to turn that around, probably under edit (I haven't used the site in a while now). Then it may turn out too big, stretching the page (there will be a blue band across the bottom of your post, to see the whole thing) and I also can't remember it you can resize it there at photobucket. But try that, and I or someone else can show you how to get that done from here. Basically, you don't want a width of more than 900 - usually I resize my stuff to 900 width 6oo height but the height is not the problem re sizing.
Well, here -
at the point where you have (I'm skipping spaces by using dashes)
you make the first one [img width=900 height=600]
So, when you get the photo right side up and add it, before you push reply do the sizing fix..