Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 04:07 am
Yes, I get that I am asking if Hawkeye believes that he was bought up in a materialist world but as he didn't have the fame of money, the power of money, that he craved so much, non recognition, Mother didn't marry this guy etc that his materialism created a huge depression
Maybe, but his chronicle tells us that his life
was dominated and oppressed by fear of girls, his intense fear
of their failing to seek him out. For reasons that he fails to tell us,
he assumed that females had the duty to take the initiative
qua social contact with him. He did not indicate that anyone
ever told him that MALES have that function in the extant social paradigm.
He never addresses that concept.
His social skills advisors surely MUST have informed him of that.

one perhaps he wasn't treated for coupled with "a" mental illness of what ever we label it as well as "perhaps" alcohol, Xanax, maybe another drug who knows as that part is only coming out now, caused his delusional fantasy
Are there data showing that Xanax has caused delusions ???
I thought that it only relieved anxiety.

and ultimately the deaths, making him another mass murder.

Elliot also used his Mother as he saw she would give him "anything".
She was generous, but his chronicle does not say that she
ever promised to "give him 'anything'. " Elliot declared that
she got tired of him and wanted him out of her house.
He implied that his mom disliked his social company.

Elliot also therefore "preferred to stay with his Mother" than at his Father's house.
His step-mother harassed him and disliked him.

We said "spoilt" I am asking if it's materialistic depression.
Please define "spoilt".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 03:02 pm
Foundy, you've considered the influence of many factors in determining Rodger's psychopathology, but why haven't you mentioned video games?

Rodger spent more time involved with World of Warcraft than he ever did in actual social interactions. In fact, he said he missed 2 years of social experience in middle school because he was so heavily involved in playing WOW. He continued this immersion in a fantasy universe at least throughout high school--and the only person he really spoke to in his last high school was a teacher who discussed WOW with him. With his few friends, a good deal of their socializing together involved playing and talking about WOW. And, one of his primary conflicts with his step-mother was the fact she kept insisting he get offline and stop playing WOW.

I think it's a reasonable hypothesis that, particularly for a young male with Asperger's, the fantasy world of a video game can provide a sense of mastery or domination they cannot achieve in their real life social experiences. That might make them prone to an addiction to such games as a refuge from their unsatisfying social world. In addition, the immersion in a fantasy world they can conquer with various weapons and powers may lead some, with co-existing psychological problems, to develop pathological fantasies about how they can display their superior powers in the real world, with real weapons, they can use to destroy their enemies.

Video game addiction 'like being on drugs'
By Nic Fleming,
Science Correspondent in Dublin
03 Apr 2008

As many as one in 30 computer game players have symptoms similar to those of gambling and drug addicts, psychologists say.

Gaming formed such a large part in the lives of three per cent of gamers in a study that they missed meals and went without sleep to spend more time playing.

They suffered withdrawal symptoms and had difficulties cutting back on their hobby, and were found to be more introverted, emotionally unstable and have lower self esteem than average.

Psychologists, presenting the research at the British Psychological Society conference in Dublin yesterday, said gaming addicts had personality traits similar to people with Asperger’s syndrome.

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), cover a range of developmental disorders that impair the ability to interact socially and communicate, including more severe cases of “classic” autism and milder forms including Asperger's.

Estimates of the numbers of children with ASDs vary from 0.6 per cent to 1.2 per cent of the UK population.

Lead researchers Dr John Charlton, of the University of Bolton, said: “Our research supports the idea that people who are heavily involved in game playing may be nearer to autistic spectrum disorders than people who have no interest in gaming.”

“Our analyses show that personality characteristics tend to become more negative as group membership increasingly approximates to addiction.

“We found the people who were addicted were less emotionally stable or neurotic, and generally more anxious, had lower self esteem.

“At the extremes these are personality characteristics associated with Asperger’s syndrome.”

A group of 391, 86 per cent of whom were male, people who played an online fantasy role-playing game called Asheron’s Call completed personality questionnaires.

They were also assessed for measures associated with addiction such as whether they experienced withdrawal symptoms such as agitation when not playing, inability to cut down, and whether they missed sleep or meals to play.

Overall three per cent of the gamers were defined as being so addicted that their lives suffered as a result of their hobby.

The more addicted they were, the higher they scored for introversion, emotional instability and low self esteem – all traits described by the researchers as associated with Asperger’s.

Dr Charlton suggested those who found computer games to be taking over their lives should see their GPS or possibly seeking counselling.

Rodger seems to have definitely been addicted to WOW for many many years, but, sometime, around the time he was in college, it seems to have lost its appeal for him. It's possible that during the time he was immersed in his gaming that it served as a safety valve to contain his rage against the real world he saw as being so "unjust" to him--gaming offered an alternate reality and a sense of mastery and a source of excitement and escapism. But, at some point, he realized this was a childish indulgence and playing it no longer was a sufficient escape for him. That's when his rage toward the real world really escalated, replete with fantasies of seeking revenge in that real world with real weapons and his "superior" powers.

Even in college, Elliot describes waving a wood "pretend sword" around as he lay in his bed feeling depressed and angry over his grievances. That "pretend sword" was the vestige of his video game powers--and his fantasies jumped the dangerous bridge to reality when he began replacing those video game weapons with real guns. And, after he acquired his first gun, he said he felt a sense of power like he had never experienced before. His thinking may have been shaped by the influence of his WOW video games as much as by anything else.

World of Warcraft
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 04:48 pm
Foundy, you've considered the influence of many factors in determining Rodger's psychopathology, but why haven't you mentioned video games?

Our analyses show that personality characteristics tend to become more negative as group membership increasingly approximates to addiction.

“We found the people who were addicted were less emotionally stable or neurotic, and generally more anxious, had lower self esteem.

“At the extremes these are personality characteristics associated with Asperger’s syndrome.”

I agree with this, in as much as anyone that gets addicted to anything that has to do with a Computer 24/7 and can't leave the house, has low self esteem, may suffer from anxiety but at the extremes they could have anything" ....

I "saw" WOW as a make believe place you can be yourself, create your own character and that you get immensely addicted to. I've read so many Threads of wives trying to ascertain how to stop their husbands being a part of it. Predominately in my opinion you can be a "hero". Violence I don't really see other than the norm.

I had mentioned and I do believe (have to look) another mass murderer was into this, "Game of Thrones" which honestly was my next step of searching. This game he was a big fan of. The critics detested it, for it's massive nudity, violence and sexual violence.

Also The Hunger Games. I wondered if that influenced him.. " They fight to the death until there is one only remaining who will then be crowned".

Then also I thought of his Grandfather, who the Chinese Military gave him permission to film the Buma Road. Concentration Camp that he talked about. When he had his face-book page which was taken down, his Grandfather was befriended on that page. His Grandfather quit working after seeing the piles of bodies..

Elliot mentions - standing watching all women starve in a Concentration Camp. He poses as someone else on You-Tube before feeling strong to pose as himself and talks of rape, killing, sluts. He talks of being "God" crowned. He quotes Garrosh and even defends characters. I didn't bring up WOW because, yes, it's a fantasy world, yes, he played it for years I believe up until 2012 but it's the Thrones I felt and as stated before, the hate Forums that he turned to after 2012, that I believe turned him.. And, alcohol. I've found some areas he's mentioned this including feeling dizzy. And, wealth, he was so angry at Peter his father for not succeeding in OMG in 2012 and so angry at his Mother for not marrying a millionaire.

As this other person on You-Tube, look below at his persona and how he raves about himself as a millionaire. Fixated on it and he states that he was as well. WOW may have given him confidence, he created a character I can't deny that it's tame.. He's taken some of his Grandfather's life, some of WOW and it's characters, some of The Game of Thrones in violence, & some of the Hunger Games " one remaining, crowned"... In my opinion.

The drug he wouldn't take was after he was pushed off the ledge after trying to push others. Risperdal.. For schizophrenia, bipolar and autism. The side effects look pretty shitty to me.

His Councellor apparently asked him to leave Isla Vista after the event but he refused to do so.

He saw an Asian talking to a beautiful blonde and he was enraged. He didn't believe blondes would ever go out with an Asian. So that poses a question to me, why did he chose what he believed he couldn't ever have.

So I still see, wealth as a huge priority, alcohol was a part and if this is correct Xanax was taken as well, he said he would take a whole lot in his video before he killed himself.. And I still believe that WOW is tame compared to The Game of Thrones he loved, The Hunger Games and what it represented and the Forums of hatred of women, so in my opinion he progressed but kept some fantasies from WOW and of his Grandfather's sightings and added them into the mix.

You may find some of this interesting.

“If I had it in my power, I would stop at nothing to reduce every single one of you to mountains of skulls and rivers of blood, and rightfully so.”

This I believe is a quote from a WOW character, called Garrosh Hellscream.

But that was only a small part of the reason why I quit. The main reason was the disturbing new player-base. The game got bigger with every new expansion that was released, and as it got bigger, it brought in a vast amount of new players. I noticed that more and more “normal” people who had active and pleasurable social lives were starting to play the game, as the new changes catered to such a crowd.

WoW no longer became a sanctuary where I could hide from the evils of the world, because the evils of the world had now followed me there.

I saw people bragging online about their sexual experiences with girls... and they used the term “virgin” as an insult to people who were more immersed in the game than them.

The insult stung, because it was true. Us virgins did tend to get more immersed in such things, because our real lives were lacking. I couldn’t stand to play WoW knowing that my enemies, the people I hate and envy so much for having sexual lives, were now playing the same game as me. There was no point anymore.

I realized what a terrible mistake I made to turn my back on the world again. The world is brutal, and I need to fight for my place in it. My life was at a crucial turning point, and I couldn’t waste any more precious time.

I excused myself as soon as I finished eating, and boy did I stuff myself on that meal. I then walked outside onto the beach. The wine had long since gone to my head, making me feel a sense of dizzy invigoration.I ended up walking for two hours, and at the end of it I was crying to myself because I felt so sad.

In that college town, everyone went out with at least a little alcohol in their system.
I wasn’t an alcoholic, but drinking alcohol always helped me with being more confident and sociable.

On weekend nights, I took a few shots from my vodka bottle
and set out on walks around the town, desperately hoping that I would stumble across some opportunity to make friends.

I often ended up sitting alone at some café, hoping girls would talk to me before I sobered up. No girl ever did. I then went back home to lie in my bed alone.

I have always had a penchant for luxury, opulence, and prestige.

The Spring of 2013 was also the time when I came across the website

I came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white girl. The sight of that filled me with rage. I always felt as if white girls thought less of me because I was half-Asian, but then I see this white girl at the party talking to a full-blooded Asian. I never had that kind of attention from a white girl! And white girls are the only girls I’m attracted to, especially the blondes.

[13 years old] After almost a month went by after getting World of Warcraft, I was finally able to play it. I made a WoW account with my father, and then I created my first character, a night elf druid. It really blew my mind. My first experience with WoW was like stepping into another world of excitement and adventure. It was a video game world, but they made it so realistic that it was like living another life, a more exciting life. I hid myself away in the online World of Warcraft, a place where I felt comfortable and secure. World of Warcraft was the only thing I had left to live for.

Once I watched the first episode, I was hooked on the story. Prince Zuko was my favorite character; he was a banished prince who was trying to regain his rightful place in the world. I always related to him. Avatar: The Last Airbender became my favorite T.V. show.

Everything’s better with some wine in the belly, as a famous character from Game of Thrones would say.

He had read all the "Game of Thrones" books and liked to spoiler future plot points on people's fan videos. Oh, and he liked Nickelback. "Valtharion" stopped posting and switched to just being Elliot Rodger on YouTube about 10 months ago, so his despicable, racist, misogynist, classist views go back at least that far.

Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodger uploaded a bunch of videos to his YouTube feed chronicling his sad, woman-less existence. He also followed a number of pickup artist (PUA) channels. But before he started planning his "Day of Retribution," Rodger had a different YouTube channel--one with his World of Warcraft screen name, Valtharion

2012 a Forum 1 post only, Valtharion (aka Elliot) wrote this.

You're wrong. I think Garrosh is exactly what the Horde needed. The war between the Alliance and the Horde makes this game and story FUN. It's the whole point of WARcraft. One faction being the more aggressive villainous faction makes it even more interesting, and that faction was always supposed to be the Horde. People who like to be the good guys can be alliance, people who like to be the badass villains can be Horde. It's perfect.

And I think Garrosh as Warchief is awesome. He actually has ambitions for the Horde. Thrall is a peace-loving hippy and incredibly BORING. You want someone with Thralls vision to be Warchief? Why?? I don't understand why Horde players hate Garrosh so much. He wants to conquer the world for the Horde. It makes the Horde look more cool and badass. He has raised the Horde's cool factor by 100%. And that bomb he used in Theramore was a genius plan. He lured so many important Alliance members to one spot and killed them all instantly! Horde members should be proud. People whine that it makes the Horde evil... that's how the Horde is meant to be, and it makes the Horde look cool.

If you want a game where all the races are goody-goody holding hands and fighting against demons and dragons together, Guild Wars 2 is that way ---------------->

On a video of a half-Asian, half-white guy:
"Hahaha, I am a very beautiful man. And white people worshipped me at school. They all looked at me with envy when I pulled up in my BMW. My family is very rich, and I will impregnate lots of beautiful blonde white women and create superior Eurasian children who will grow up with lots of money and bully your ugly degenerate children if they ever cross them."

On a World of Warcraft video: "
LOL your last name is Gonzalez. That means your dad is probably a gardener or a construction site laborer. And you're calling Swifty "sad"? Haha shut up you mexican scum."

On an anti-misogyny video: "
Why does this guy defend women? Women are the ones who flock to the men who treat them badly, instead of going for the nice guys. It is women who are to blame, and it is women who should be PUNISHED. The nice guys who treat women well are the ones who are being abused, and they should realize this and start a revolution and PUNISH ALL WOMEN AND DOUCHEBAGS."
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 05:08 pm
More disturbing - Valtharion's You-Tube profile I'm now looking at.

(4 years ago) (link is in above post)
…Animals are Skinned Alive on Chinese Fur Farms
This video makes me laugh.

…Game of Thrones - S3E5 305 3x05 Season 3 Episode 5 - Kissed By Fire Review (1 year ago)

When she said "god" she meant the lord of light. The lord of light is the "god" of their religion.

…Positive Thinking
Valtharion replied to a comment from onetimeuse12

YOU ******* ASSHOLE. If you're going to brag online, why don't you show pictures of yourself to prove it? FAIL TROLL IS FAIL.

…Paump to get girlz - IRL Stuff #7

…Asian Singing Lesson Prank (ft. Gotye) - Ownage Pranks
Everyone pays for pussy, whether it's buying a prostitute or taking a girl on a date, you're paying money. And a stupid nerdy kid like you wouldn't be able to get pussy even if you did have money. You make me laugh, acting so tough online

…Adolf Hitler - Rare Moments in Colour (3 years ago)

Killing all the celebrities would be a good thing.

…Surf Expo 2
So you're saying 40 year olds can't have sex?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 05:15 pm
What about this FF.

1 year ago ... he viewed this - have a look.

…Aurora, Colorado Gunman: Forgiveness for James Holmes?
You're the one sounding like a complete retard.

Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 06:17 pm
WOW.. Retribution of the game equals:-

"A righteous crusader who judges and punishes opponents with weapons and holy magic".


first video liked and commented : "Columbine Massacre Tribute", 4 years ago.

4 years ago, Virginia-Tech tribute video
"People need to stop bullying, but not only that. People also need to start accepting everyone. People need to befriend those lonely shy individuals instead of shun them, to make them feel like they belong. Social classes are evil, and lead to tragedies such as this. Humanity needs to unite as equals."

3 years ago, comment on a baby dog video
"LOL! It would be so fun to squish that thing's head in between my fingers until it pops."

3 years ago, girl goes to cancun video
"Wow.. I am so ******* jealous of those damn dogs. They get to LICK her. I want to kill those dogs. "


Valtharion11 months ago in reply to Slaytanic13244

>Hahaha, I am a very beautiful man. And white people worshipped me at school. They all looked at me with envy when I pulled up in my BMW. My family is very rich, and I will impregnate lots of beautiful blonde white women and create superior Eurasian children who will grow up with lots of money and bully your ugly degenerate children if they ever cross them.

>Shut the hell up you ugly jealous little retard. Men who are half white half asian are the most beautiful. We are the new master race, above both whites and asians. You are just JEALOUS. Crawl back into your hole, you pathetic worm.

>You're the one trolling here. You won't even show your ugly face. I am the superior one. If you saw me in real life right now you would cower under a rock.

573 days, 20 hours ago

Why does this guy refer to himself as a "Asian guy" He is Eurasian, not
Asian. We Eurasian men are completely different, and shouldn't be
associated with Asian men at all.

2014 Mercedes-Benz CLA – 2013 Detroit Auto Show ... › Automotive

May 7, 2014 - This CLA is a really sexy car, it looks incredible. Reply. Valtharion. May 7, 2014 at 6:53 pm. This is going to be the official spoiled brat's car.

Valtharion : What a piece of ****! 2002? LOOOL
Valtharion : Haha who the **** would be jealous of a 2002 car? I only commented because it's so ridiculous that someone would show off a piece of **** old car on youtube. You're 32 years old and you can't even afford a new car? That is the saddest thing I've ever seen. You should just give up on life

He joined the below site but I can't locate him.. visitors who like to show off. Plus member's wives & girlfriends posing for us. Sexy or hardcore, anything goes. Please leave positive feedback if you like

Speechless from reading all that.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 08:00 pm
Quotes for thy re-read.

Valtharion replied to a comment from BRAeminem

No, he is white. And white/asian is not a bad combo, are you retarded? It's the most beautiful combo. Look at Keanu Reeves. You are jealous.

Valtharion commented

Why does this guy defend women? Women are the ones who flock to the men who treat them badly, instead of going for the nice guys. It is women who are to blame, and it is women who should be PUNISHED. The nice guys who treat women well are the ones who are being abused, and they should realize this and start a revolution and PUNISH ALL WOMEN AND DOUCHEBAGS.


•by CopperCab
•2 years ago


Valtharion replied to a comment from Dave Kampshoff (1 year ago)

Guys who call other guys who have wealth and style "gay", are jealous.

Valtharion replied to a comment from narutojose2

You won't be able to buy mansions as a lawyer... lol. Unless you become one of the top 0.5% of lawyers.

…Neighbor's new Lexus LFA

•by Wakeboardr116
•3 years ago

Valtharion replied to a comment from rlholo (3 years ago)

Celebrities serve no function in society. They get too much fame and too much money just for acting or singing. They are nothing but performers. What do the do for the world? Perhaps we should take away their money and give it to people who actually contribute to the world, like doctors and scientists.

And that's relevant because? How would that make it a good movie? I'm a millionaire myself, it's not that hard to be one. Your answer makes no sense, you retarded little ****.

Valtharion replied to a comment from Mashiach Ro'eh (2 years ago)

LOL that's the most ridiculous post on youtube. I bet you're a black person who's butt hurt because you look like a gorilla. All black people look like gorillas. Blacks and gorillas are both black all over, have ugly squashed in faces, flat noses, primitive bulging eyes, drooping mouth, and wild unruly behavior.

Valtharion commented (3 years ago) Game of Thrones

Robb Stark and his mother die in book 3. I just read it. He gets stabbed through the heart. It was very unexpected. lolol

Valtharion replied to a comment from barbaro267 (3 years ago)

WHAT?! Are you trolling? That indian who ruined Zuko is the worst part of the movie

Valtharion commented (7 years ago)

It would have been 100 times more funny if he had sprayed them with chocolate milk instead of water.

…drive by super soaker madness FUNNY

Valtharion replied to a comment from WoWGorg and liked (2 years ago)

The house was only one story, and not that big. Looks like 3 or maybe 4 bedrooms. And also their car was nothing special.


…The lucky fan! Won a house and car.

Valtharion replied to a comment from KngSol

You're an idiot.

When I said "native" i mean inhabitants. Westeros is like Europe. There are no non-white countries in Europe, but there are different types of white people. The Dornishmen in Westeros are clearly equivalent to Greeks / Italians/ Spanish. They have darker skin (olive skin) than other Westerosi inhabitants because they live in the southernmost region, but they are still caucasian in complexion.

I'm an ASOIAF expert. I've read the books twice

Valtharion commented


Valtharion commented

•7 years ago

… Through painting, a Korean woman breaks her 50 years of silence on being forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Army during World War II.

Elliot's reply:-
I support what Japan did here concerning these "comfort women". Comfort women / military brothels are essential for the army's morale. These soldiers fight and die for their country, they deserve to get some pussy!

A Tribute To The Columbine High School Massacre (5 years ago)

Valtharion replied to a comment from Knath1

Theres no such thing as god you lunatic.

Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 11:52 am
This interview might help to answer some questions about Rodger, and about the mental health care he received...
Barbara Walters to Interview Peter Rodger, Father of Killer Elliot Rodger
By Chris Ariens
June 9, 2014

Barbara Walters was on her first post-retirement trip last week when she got a call from ABC News HQ. ABC brass wanted to know if Walters, traveling in Berlin with Cindy Adams (who wrote about their journey this morning), would be available to interview Peter Rodger, the father of Elliot Rodger who killed 6 people and himself in Isla Vista, California last month. Rodger, a Hollywood director, requested Walters for the interview.

Given the issues around mental health and this story, Walters agreed to conduct the sought-after interview. When she retired last month, ABC said Walters would be available for special projects. The interview will happen in California in the coming weeks and air as a special edition of “20/20.”

Tomorrow, Walters will be honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at Quinnipiac University’s annual Fred Friendly First Amendment Award luncheon.
Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 12:08 pm
I am hoping she asks about this quote

. I tried to show it to my parents, to give them some sort dose of reality as to why I
am so miserable. They never understood why I am so miserable. They have always had the delusion that
everything is going well for me, especially my father. When I sent the link of to my
parents, none of them even bothered to look at the posts on there.

But hey, pops seems to have been rarely around, so I am sure that he is the perfect person to tell us all about Elliot.
Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 04:29 pm
Do you believe that his Father really knows FF? 1) Apparently Elliot was good at hiding, 2) Elliot cried out for help twice but was ignored, perhaps just viewed as an "attention seeker", 3) His Mother only looked at 2 lines of the manifesto and immediately went back to you-tube..then rang his Father.. Intuition? His Counsellor suggested he leave the College after the 2nd reported incident but he refused, so his counsellor worked out he shouldn't be there, did he tell his Father?

I'm not sure what Peter Rodger is going to state.. He has already stated that he knew he wasn't at home enough. Elliot has "claimed" that his Step-Mother got away with everything, Peter simply agreed with her on every occasion.

I'm still wondering why he dyed his hair at such a young age, as he clearly doesn't see himself as Asian, was this his thought back then. Was he bullied back then.. He said he had a great childhood but to what age, 5?

Colorado Mass Murder.

Elliot looked this up and commented on it. A would be Mass Murder viewing a mass murder.

Holmes, the alleged “Joker” gunman, dosed up on prescription medication before going on a shooting rampage. Holmes, 24, is accused of shooting dead 12 people and injuring 58.

Elliot stated in his manifesto that he intended to take a lot of pills at the end, so if the guns don't kill him the pills will.

I just get this feeling that he was mixing that drug with something else. 3 shots of vodka on a weekend, is not going to do much at all as it gives the same component, releases anxiety.

I don't believe drugs are the cause of why Elliot did what he did. But, if he was going through with-drawl or taking other drugs in addition, it's evident that you are not totally yourself in these situations. Why his Father is "now" viewing what the drug can do, as a parent don't you double check before giving a child something".

Yet, 7 years ago he started to be the Bully, on you-tube under his assumed name.
Cyber bulling putting every one down at every chance he had, calling them names, being racist at what, 14.

They say Elliot was very clever to hide things... But then when he was open, he wasn't heard.

Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 06:28 pm
I'm not sure what Peter Rodger is going to state

sure you do, he is a Hollywood insider, he is going to primarily cry for the victims. Hollywood is one of the prime promoters of victim culture, and is very liberal (always first stop for the D's when they make the tour for funds). Then he is going to say that the NRA sucks, then he is going to say that we need to stop making victims.

Walters is going to have to press to get to the mental illness angle. As for for what the parents knew, when did they know it, and what did they do about it.....good luck with getting much of that. There will be some vague " we should have done more" and that will be that.

Peter simply agreed with her on every occasion.
FEMALES RULE! Pops knew that as a progressive male his duty is to do what ever women tell him to do.
Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 07:56 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
FEMALES RULE! Pops knew that as a progressive male his duty
is to do what ever women tell him to do.
I never felt ruled, Hawkeye.
That can only happen to those who LET it happen.

0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 10 Jun, 2014 04:16 am
I've known men who've got married and changed overnight into wimps; the main symptom is that they're constantly looking at their watches to make sure they get home by the time wifey ordered them to be back.
I think the Americans have a good term to describe their sort- "pussy-whipped", which means a man who constantly does as his wife tells him in case she refuses him sex..Wink

Incidentally I never married because we holy men don't do "pussy-whipped".
Remember in "The Name of the Rose" when a young lady flutters her eyelashes at the young monk and kisses his hand to try to persuade him to stay?
But he declines her invite and just rides off into the cold mist and shoots her a goodbye backward glance..
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jun, 2014 05:35 am
You never got married because you don't like women. Nobody's buying the **** you're selling.
At least no children will be damaged by your delusions.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 10 Jun, 2014 05:44 am
Incidentally the bible's stance on marriage is that it's fine for those who want it, but that it's just as fine for people who want to stay single.
For examp, some of the disciples were married and some weren't..Smile

In fact some atheists say Jesus was secretly married but I don't buy that at all, or it'd have gone like this-
JESUS- "I'm off now to save the world"
WIFE- "Don't talk rot, who do you think you are? Anyway your dinners nearly ready!"
JESUS- "Give it to the cat"
WIFE- "Yeah that's typical of you, you don't care that i've been slaving over a hot stove! Bugger off then, see if I care, the neighbours all think you're nutty anyway and are saying you went off the rails because you never had a dad!"
Reply Tue 10 Jun, 2014 11:40 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
But hey, pop seems to have been rarely around,
so I am sure that he is the perfect person to tell us all about Elliot.
Yes. His chronicle shows that he had a lot of contact with his father.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jun, 2014 11:42 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
In fact some atheists say Jesus was secretly married but I don't buy that at all, or it'd have gone like this-

Some atheists those that even allowed that a person such as Jesus ever live in the first placed assume that the "son of god" was gay.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 03:48 am
The film 'The Last Temptation of Christ" (with Willem Dafoe as Jesus) was great entertainment, it showed him choosing to come down off the cross and live as an ordinary man. He gets married and they have kids.
Years later, he changes his mind and asks to be put back on the cross, so obviously the "family man" bit didn't work for him..Wink
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Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 05:52 pm
Well at least I am honest with myself. I primarily see feminism as a threat because the likes of feminist who are like Andrea Dworkin and Mackinnon.

Feminism isn't the threat. Is racial equality a threat because of extremists? Should those seeking a fair shake back down because of the fringe element? This statement of yours reveals gender bias. Backtracking and squirming around to cover your ass doesn't change what you said. CAPS DON'T MAKE YOUR POINT FOR YOU, EITHER.

btw - Try to phone a comma, ya no-grammar having, lame ass punctuating SO-CALLED STUDENT.
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:17 pm
Feminism isn't the threat. Is racial equality a threat because of extremists?

There was 88 professors at Duke University largely from the women study school that condemn three male students in an open letter when it turn out that they was completely innocent of any misconduct.

I find it interesting that not one signer of that letter was in the science or the engineering or the law schools of that University.

The extremists are the movement for the most part and had work themselves into power at a large percents of the nation universities under the flag of Women studies.

I was all for the movement in the 1970s when women was fighting for equal standings under the law and help campaign for the ERA and was even a member in good standing of NOW but that is not what is happening now.

That where you get crazy rigs surveys that is even paid for by grants from the DOJ that place sexual assault rate at twenty percents of all female college students.

Using these phony figures we are now having the federal government demanding the setting up of kangaroo courts by all Universities where any male have little chance to have a fair outcome.

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