Does Angela Davis being black make her any less of a feminist? When you disparage "feminists" you're disparaging her too--despite the fact you apparently approve of her advocacy.
And Ms. Davis is not the only feminist to touch on issues of race...
This is currently on the N.O.W. Web site.
Are black women MIA in the equal pay debate?
Marjorie Valburn writes for The Washington Post: “Black women are among the lowest paid workers in the United States. In many professions they’re near the bottom of the pay scale. They earn less than white men – on average just 64 cents for every dollar paid to white men – and less than women overall, who earn on average 77 cents for every dollar earned by white men. And despite far outnumbering black men in the labor market, black women also earn less than their low-wage male counterparts.”
Read the original source
These are N.O.W.'s current issues...
Quote:NOW is a multi-issue, multi-strategy organization that takes a holistic approach to women’s rights. Our priorities are winning economic equality and securing it with an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will guarantee equal rights for women; championing abortion rights, reproductive freedom and other women’s health issues;
opposing racism and fighting bigotry against lesbians and gays; and ending violence against women.
Stop singling out one or two radical feminists--who
many other feminists do not agree with-- to give yourself an extremely lame excuse to attack
all feminists or to give yourself an extremely lame excuse to use the terms
"feminist"or "feminism" in a pejorative manner.
What you're doing--in referring to the most radical/extreme feminists, and then stereotyping all feminists as being like that-- is like saying that Glenn Close's character in "Fatal Attraction" is a valid representation of how all women act.
N.O.W.--the National Organization for Woman-- represents the face of current feminist advocacy in the real life political/social/economic arena. As a lobbying group they carry far more clout, and influence actual policy far more than any individual academic/philosophical feminists you are coming up with and deeming to be an alleged "threat".
If you think "feminism" is such a "threat', I ask you again, what is N.O.W. doing that poses a "threat" to you?