roger wrote:
Apple cider vinegar with honey?
that how they did it?
I know that smallpox has been totally eradicated, but I haven't read up on polio. I'm pretty sure the countries who give polio vaccination have no problems, but something rings a bell about Africa and somewhere where the idiot fundamentalists are refusing it, causing the disease to spread again.
TB is the same. The UK is seeing a rise due to people coming in (mainly from Pakistan and Bangladesh) who have never been vaccinated and have consequently tested positive here.
Two kids in my class at junior school had polio and there were maybe six or so more in our school. It wasn't unusual to see kids in leg braces.
Vaccination for Polio had just really got underway on a grand scale back then, and I remember being vaccinated via a cube of treated sugar.
Nowadays, kids in my old school wouldn't have heard of Polio, and leg braces are hardly ever seen, if at all.
As far as vaccines are concerned, Edward Jenner's work should be regarded as one of the most important contributions to mankind.