1. Comma after is
On a lot of places I have something like “ The problem with this is, that.....” My spelling checker says that the “,” after the is shouldn’t be there.
Spellcheck is correct. No comma needed there.
2. Quotation marks.
As in the previous sentence I use on a lot of places quotation marks. Like in “I think that is a strange word but most people consider it ‘normal’ “.
Or : Click on ‘Open Document’, then click on the button ‘Confirm’.
In the previous sentence, should I use “” or ‘ ‘?
A rule I use is quotation marks are for speech, single quotation marks are for other uses such as irony, sarcasm or to indicate some other special condition.
3. is it : Amazon’s sales rank is.... or Amazons’ sales rank is.....
How many Amazons are there? One? The answer is Amazon's.
4. What’s the difference between a sentence and a phrase?
A sentence can stand by itself. Not so with a phrase.
Now read those two one at a time, in reverse order.
5. You can use tracking links. I don’t use these myself.
My spelling checker says that ‘these’ should be ‘this’.
Hmmmm. Tough question. I agree with you. Spellcheck is guessing that 'links' is plural.
6. Days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. Should these always be capitalized?
Yup. Every Single Time.
7. ‘The sure way to find out, is to do the following...’ My spelling checker doesn’t agree with the comma.
Think of commas as pauses, you are really going to pause after 'out' ?
8. ‘You may read each other’s books’. Is it : other’s or others’ or others?
each other's
9. Is it: ‘Note that this is not always true’ or ‘Notice that this is not always true."
Either one makes the meaning clear. I like 'Note', but that's because it sounds right to me.
10 Is it : ‘if your sales slow down’ or ‘if your sales slowdown’.
slow down
Note: The English comma is a troublemaker for writers. Shelves of books have been written about the proper and improper usage of the things, the funniest being
'Eats, Shoots and Leaves'. Go find that little book.
Meanwhile, just write, don't worry so much about punctuation;that's why we hire copy editors.
Joe(Send us some pages to read)Nation