Atheism is an expression of original sin.
Atheists define choosing as sorting out the best result, using the facts about good and evil as sortingcriteria (eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil).
That way every single time an atheist makes a decision, then by the definition of choosing that they use, they did the best. The brain releases drugs, their ego get's a boost. Also it means, when they did not do the best, then the definition they use says they did not choose it, so it must have been a mistake or an accident or something, not their fault.
That is the mainstay of how atheists, communists, nazi's and all the rest of them think. It is all just based on original sin, making good and evil into a fact, in stead of attributing the goodness and evil of a man to their soul which chooses. That the existence of the soul is a matter of opinion, faith, makes the good and evil a matter of opinion also.